49 pages 1 hour read

Sherman Alexie

What You Pawn I Will Redeem

Fiction | Short Story | Adult | Published in 2003

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Reading Check, Multiple Choice & Short Answer Quizzes

Reading Check questions are designed for in-class review on key plot points or for quick verbal or written assessments. Multiple Choice and Short Answer Quizzes create ideal summative assessments, and collectively function to convey a sense of the work’s tone and themes.

Reading Check

1. Where does Jackson live?

2. What “flaw” does Jackson identify to prove the regalia was his grandmother’s?

3. What deal does the pawnbroker make with Jackson?

4. How did Jackson’s grandmother die?

5. What is the name of the non-profit that supplies Jackson with newspapers to sell?

6. To whom does Jackson give the first $20 of his lottery winnings?

7. What are the names of the people Jackson meets at Big Heart’s bar?

8. Where does Officer Williams find Jackson sleeping?

9. What does Jackson do with the majority of the $30 that Officer Williams gives him?

10. How much money does Jackson have when he returns to the pawnshop?

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following best describes Jackson’s tone as a narrator?

A) proud

B) naive

C) bitter

D) ironic

2. Jackson’s name most likely alludes to which of the following figures?

A) Andrew Jackson

B) Jackson Pollock

C) Michael Jackson

D) Jesse Jackson

3. Which of the following passages hints at a supernatural force at work in the story?

A) “Piece by piece, I disappeared. I’ve been disappearing ever since” (Part 1, Paragraph 2)