52 pages 1 hour read

George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt, Sampson Davis, Sharon M. Draper

We Beat the Street: How A Friendship Pact Led to Success

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | YA | Published in 2005

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The Power of Friendship

More than anything, We Beat the Street is a testimony to the power of friendship. It is this bond that allows all three boys to attain their dreams of self-actualization. Before they find one another, Rameck, George and Sampson lack a true sounding board, someone who understands the pressure of their respective home environments and the capacity of their minds and passions. If they had pursued the goal of becoming a doctor alone, they might have faltered along the way and failed to find a helping hand to pull them up. They stand by each other as they make mistakes or doubt themselves. It is the pact of doing it together that motivates each one in the end.

Learning Experiences and Education

All three friends are enthusiastic learners with naturally curious minds. Sampson uses a broken bone as a learning experience as a kid. He also learns a great deal from formal and even informal instructors such as Reggie, who guides him in philosophy and meditation. George views school as a sanctuary from a very young age. By the third grade, he is an enthusiastic member of the Shakespeare Club. Rameck experiences some difficulties getting recognized for his abilities but once he is, he thrives, both in academics and the arts.