50 pages 1 hour read

Veronica Rossi

Under the Never Sky

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2011

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Symbols & Motifs


Many of the scents described within the novel are motifs for The Eroding Nature of Perfection. In the Pods, every inhabitant is genetically modified to perfection. The Realms themselves are designed to be “Better than Real,” and every virtual experience is more perfect than a real one. Aria is no exception, but because of this, when Perry first meets her, he notes her smell as pungent and decaying—like every Dweller he crosses paths with. The Dwellers’ obsession with perfection erodes their mental and physical health but also destroys their ability to live fulfilling lives.

At the beginning of the novel, Aria’s scent is like “flesh at the brink of decay” (104). Her odor makes Perry physically nauseous and is so potent it brings a sour taste to his mouth. Similarly, Talon’s sickness smells fetid, and though Perry doesn’t want to believe his illness is getting worse, “scents never lied” (34-35). Perry favors reading scents over listening to the words people speak because it’s much easier to tell a lie from the truth this way. In keeping with this logic, Aria’s scent does not lie either. Perry smells the decaying effect Pod-life has on Dwellers, and it’s related to the debilitating and life-threatening illness Talon may eventually die from.