48 pages 1 hour read

K. L. Walther

The Summer of Broken Rules

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2021

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Genre Context: Romance Fiction

The plot of the traditional romance novel focuses primarily on love and conforms to two major conventions. The first convention is that, while there can be other plots that develop around the central relationship, the primary conflict must focus on the developing romantic relationship between the protagonists of the story. The second convention decrees that a work of romance fiction must have an optimistic ending. While this often takes the form of the proverbial “happily ever after,” even an unconventional romance novel is expected to end on a positive note rather than a sour one.

Adherence to such time-honored conventions does not mean that romance fiction lacks tension, however. On the contrary, the genre employs a wide range of well-known tropes designed to create various plot developments, from tense, emotional incidents to humorous moments that border on absurd. For example, one of the most well-known tropes of contemporary romance fiction is the “only one bed” trope, in which the couple is forced into a situation, usually a hotel room, in which they expect two separate beds but are compelled by necessity to share a single bed, often giving rise to all kinds of shenanigans. Another common trope in contemporary romance fiction involves the “third act breakup,” in which an unexpected plot twist results in a breach of trust that causes one of the two protagonists to temporarily cut the budding relationship short, usually toward the end of the story. Inevitably, the climax of the story will result in the resolution of tension and the resumption of the romantic relationship.

While The Summer of Broken Rules exhibits many of the key traits of the traditional romance, it also manages to display aspects of innovation that challenge the standard tropes in unexpected ways. A key example of this occurs when Meredith and Wit share a single bed out of choice rather than necessity. Although Meredith has two beds available that are not Wit’s bed: her own bed and the bed Claire used to sleep in, she chooses to sleep in Wit’s bed for the majority of the novel, and the reason has more to do with her grief over Claire’s absence than her delight in Wit’s presence, although that too plays a role. Additionally, K. L. Walther completely avoids the standard “third act breakup” by creating a situation in which both Wit and Meredith know from the beginning that they will be going separate ways when the week ends; thus, the novel contains none of the typical miscommunications or moments of surprise tension that usually come with a breakup.

Despite such plot points that break with tradition, however, the influence of these conventional patterns still positions The Summer of Broken Rules firmly within the romance fiction genre. Although the budding relationship between Wit and Meredith is secondary to the novel’s primary focus on processing grief and loss, it still dominates many aspects of the narrative as the two protagonists explore just how far their relationship might progress within the confines of the week. The story also delivers the expected “happily ever after,” for they finally manage to resolve all the practical challenges that stand between them and reunite a year later after successfully developing a healthy long-distance relationship.

Cultural Context: BookTok

BookTok, short for Book TikTok, is a community on the social media app TikTok, wherein users post discussions about books they love, share reviews of books they have read, show off special editions of books they have acquired, and generally talk about all things book-related. BookTok is the self-proclaimed biggest reading club on any social media app, and its numbers back it up. For example, in May 2023, the hashtag #BookTok had a collective 134.1 billion views on the app, with the subgenre of #romancebooktok having 1.7 billion views. Despite the challenges that TikTok faces regarding its users’ political activism, the BookTok community continues to demonstrate the positive power of social media by bringing together readers from around the world and exposing them to books that they may otherwise never find. Many authors have also jumped on the BookTok wagon and have started to use the app as a platform to promote their new releases. Independent authors in particular have found success using videos of themselves and their books as promotional materials in the BookTok tag.

The Summer of Broken Rules is one such novel. Published in 2021, it took BookTok by storm in 2022, with videos about the book accumulating 7.9 million views on the app. Some of the most liked videos about the novel were videos that analyzed the Taylor Swift-related content of the novel, since the book is inspired by many songs from the singer and songwriter’s discography. The most liked TikTok video about The Summer of Broken Rules earned well over 57,000 likes by 2023 and consists primarily of the user @thel.reads flipping through the book and showing highlighted and tabbed moments in which the book references several of Taylor Swift’s songs, including “Hey Stephen,” “Lover,” “Invisible String,” and “Fearless.” Other videos simply discuss why readers love the book and rate it five stars, which is the highest rating that a book can be given using the standard star rating system. By utilizing the key features of the romance genre and including multiple references to pop culture phenomenon Taylor Swift, The Summer of Broken Rules has cooked up the perfect recipe for social media success.