31 pages • 1 hour read •
C. S. LewisA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Lewis holds a nuanced view of the Fall, as do many theologians. Explore and develop your own understanding of the Fall. Was Adam’s exercise of free will a sin if his free will was God-given? Have all humans inherited this sin from Adam?
The Problem of Pain was published in 1940, when rumblings of a second war were shaking Europe. Given that the author had served in the military during WWI, do you think the historical context of this book influenced its message? If so, how?
What is the relationship between free will and evil, as the author sees it? Why doesn’t God intervene to keep humans safe and free from evil?
By C. S. Lewis
A Grief Observed
C. S. Lewis
Mere Christianity
C. S. Lewis
Out of the Silent Planet
C. S. Lewis
C. S. Lewis
Prince Caspian
C. S. Lewis
Surprised by Joy
C. S. Lewis
That Hideous Strength
C. S. Lewis
The Abolition of Man
C. S. Lewis
The Discarded Image
C. S. Lewis
The Four Loves
C. S. Lewis
The Great Divorce
C. S. Lewis
The Horse And His Boy
C. S. Lewis
The Last Battle
C. S. Lewis
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
C. S. Lewis
The Magician's Nephew
C. S. Lewis
The Pilgrim's Regress
C. S. Lewis
The Screwtape Letters
C. S. Lewis
The Silver Chair
C. S. Lewis
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
C. S. Lewis
Till We Have Faces
C. S. Lewis