71 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Lost Hero

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

During Reading

Reading Questions & Paired Texts

Reading Check and Short Answer Questions on key points are designed for guided reading assignments, in-class review, formative assessment, quizzes, and more.


Reading Check

1. What color is Dylan’s blood?

Short Answer

Answer each question in at least 1 complete sentence. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. Why is Hera’s cabin at Camp Half-Blood empty?

Paired Resource

Personal Memories and Nostalgia

  • This article from Psychology Today discusses the importance of autobiographical memories.
  • How does memory affect identity? How does Jason’s memory loss affect his interactions with other characters?


Reading Check

1. What language is Jason surprisingly fluent in?

Short Answer

Answer each question in at least 1 complete sentence. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. Why isn’t Leo happy to see Tía Callida?


Reading Check

1. What symbols are used in the prophecy to represent Hephaestus and Aphrodite?

Short Answer

Answer each question in at least 1 complete sentence. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. Why does Leo’s family reject him?


Reading Check

1. What do the other children of Aphrodite bring to Piper?

Short Answer

Answer each question in at least 1 complete sentence. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. Why does Jason regret telling Piper that she is beautiful?