111 pages 3 hours read

Upton Sinclair

The Jungle

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1905

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Chapters 16-21Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary

Once Jurgis is inside his cell, the full magnitude of the situation dawns on him: “[T]hat he had nearly killed the boss would not help Ona—not the horrors that she had borne, nor the memory that would haunt her all her days” (173). He spends a sleepless night blaming himself for what happened and worrying that his entire family will end up on the streets.

The next morning, Jurgis is brought before the notoriously corrupt Judge Callahan. Unable to pay the $300 bond, Jurgis is returned to jail, washed, and put in a small, filthy cell. He passes another agitated night, his agony only increasing when he realizes from the ringing of the bells that it’s Christmas Eve. For the first time, he blames the system in its entirety for his plight: “He had no wit to trace back the social crime to its far sources […] He only knew that he was wronged, and that the world had wronged him; that the law, that society, with all its powers, had declared itself his foe” (180).

Chapter 17 Summary

The next day, Jurgis gets a cellmate: a handsome, well-dressed young man who exchanges friendly commiserations with Jurgis and introduces himself as Jack Duane.

Duane is a safebreaker and petty criminal who has been to jail before. Once an engineer, he turned to a life of crime after being cheated out of the patent for an invention: “He was a genial freebooter, living off the enemy, without fear or shame. He was not always victorious, but then defeat did not mean annihilation, and need not break his spirit” (184). Duane knows and introduces Jurgis to many of the other inmates, most of whom blame society for their situation. Before Jurgis leaves for his trial, Duane gives him his address, telling him to visit if he ever needs help.

To Jurgis’s disappointment, Connor is still alive; he takes the stand and claims that Jurgis attacked him after he fired Ona for insolence. When Jurgis himself is questioned, he reluctantly counters with the true story. Scoffing that Ona would surely have quit her position if Connor had made sexual advances, Judge Callahan sentences Jurgis to 30 days in prison; he is likewise unsympathetic when Jurgis questions how his family will live in his absence.

Jurgis is taken to Bridewell prison and put to work breaking stones. After ten days, Stanislovas visits and informs Jurgis just how badly off the family now is: Elzbieta’s factory has been shut down, and Marija has been forced to take time off work as the result of an infected cut. Meanwhile, Ona is extremely sick. Due to the family’s desperation, she tried to return to her job but was turned away. As for Stanislovas, he lost his position after a snowstorm prevented him from getting to work for several days; he is now selling papers with Nikalojus, Vilimas, and Kotrina. Jurgis sends Stanislovas home with all the money he has, which only amounts to 14 cents.

Chapter 18 Summary

Jurgis must spend an extra three days in prison to cover his court expenses. When he’s released, it takes him nearly a full day to find his way back to Packingtown on foot.

When Jurgis finally reaches his house late in the afternoon, he sees that it’s painted a different color; in fact, much of the house seems changed or refurbished. An unfamiliar boy answers Jurgis’s knock. When Jurgis demands to know where his family is, the boy’s mother confusedly explains that she bought the house three days ago, having been told it was brand-new. Jurgis races to Grandmother Majauszkiene’s house, and she tells him that his family is staying with Aniele Jukniene; they were evicted for failing to make payments. Momentarily overcome, Jurgis sits down and sobs, thinking about how much the family sacrificed to pay for the house.

When Jurgis arrives at Aniele’s house, he hears Ona screaming in pain and pushes his way inside. Marija stops him when he tries to climb up to Ona in the garret, explaining that she’s in labor. Shocked—Ona isn’t due yet—Jurgis questions Marija and is horrified to learn that only Elzbieta is attending to her; the family had no money to pay for a doctor or midwife. Seeing his distress, Aniele offers him what little money she has and encourages the other women who have gathered for the birth to do the same. With this money in hand, Jurgis leaves to find a midwife.  

Chapter 19 Summary

Jurgis finds a midwife named Madame Haupt Hebamme. She typically charges 25 dollars, and when she learns that Jurgis has only $1.25 and no immediate job prospects, she refuses to come. Jurgis continues to plead with her and she finally consents to treat Ona. Jurgis returns to Aniele’s with her, and Aniele tells Jurgis he should leave for the duration of Ona’s labor.

In the evening as it begins to snow, Jurgis seeks shelter in a saloon. Hearing his story, the saloon-keeper takes pity on him and gives him food and drink for free before showing him to a back room where he can rest.

Around four in the morning, Jurgis can’t bear waiting any longer and returns to Aniele’s; the women are still there, but Ona is no longer crying out. Suddenly, a voice calls out from the attic, and Marija goes to help Madame Haupt down the stairs. To Jurgis’s horror, the midwife is covered in blood. She says that there’s nothing more she can do and that it isn’t her fault he waited so long to send for her. Jurgis rushes up into the garret and to Ona’s side. Extremely pale and emaciated, Ona briefly opens her eyes before dying.

Frantic with grief, Jurgis is only dimly aware of a priest who is trying to console him. In the morning, he staggers downstairs just as Kotrina—who hasn’t yet heard the news—returns from selling papers. Without offering any explanation, Jurgis demands that she give him the three dollars she’s earned and then goes to the first saloon he sees.

Chapter 20 Summary

Jurgis returns home a day later, having spent all of Kotrina’s earnings on alcohol. Aniele rebukes him, saying that Elzbieta is out begging in an attempt to raise money for Ona’s funeral mass. Furthermore, Aniele says she will evict him if he can’t catch up on rent. Jurgis settles next to Ona’s body, agonizing over the misery he brought to her. When Elzbieta returns that night, she pleads with him to pull himself together for his son’s sake.

The next day, Jurgis goes to the fertilizer plant in the hopes of getting his job back, but he is denied with little explanation. After a weeklong search, he is finally offered a job elsewhere, but when he returns the following day he is told there’s no work after all: “Out in the saloons the men could tell him all about the meaning of it; they gazed at him with pitying eyes—poor devil, he was blacklisted! […] Why, he stood as much chance of getting a job in Packingtown as of being chosen mayor of Chicago” (220).

The family discusses moving, but Marija and Elzbieta are still hopeful they can find work in Packingtown. Consequently, they send Jurgis alone to downtown Chicago to look for work. After two weeks with little luck, Jurgis stumbles across a former union acquaintance who helps him get a job at a factory that produces harvesting equipment. The working conditions are relatively good, and the company even provides some amenities to their employees, including a reading room. With his new wages, Jurgis is able to pay his rent and resume thinking of the future. Just nine days after he’s hired, however, the factory closes.

Chapter 21 Summary

Jurgis spends the next week and a half fruitlessly searching for work downtown. When he returns home, he learns of a job prospect. Juozapas, Elzbieta’s youngest surviving child, was searching for scraps of food in the dump when a well-dressed young lady approached him. The woman asked him about his family and visited the entire household the next day. After hearing their story, she gave them food and a letter introducing the bearer to her fiancé: the superintendent at a steel mill.

Jurgis goes to the factory and presents his letter. A timekeeper takes him on a tour of the factory as he considers where to put Jurgis to work. Jurgis is intimidated by the noise and activity:

“[S]uddenly, without an instant's warning, one of the giant kettles began to tilt and topple, flinging out a jet of hissing, roaring flame. Jurgis shrank back appalled, for he thought it was an accident; there fell a pillar of white flame, dazzling as the sun, swishing like a huge tree falling in the forest” (232).

At last, Jurgis is assigned a place moving the completed steel rails.

Because the steelworks is fifteen miles from Packingtown, it is only practical for Jurgis to return home once a week; he spends the rest of his nights at a lodging-house. Accidents are common at the factory, and at one point Jurgis loses a week’s work after burning his hands. Nevertheless, he quickly adjusts to the job. Back in Packingtown, Elzbieta finds work scrubbing floors, while Marija gets a position trimming beef.

Jurgis continues to dote on his son who is now roughly a year and a half old. However, one Saturday he returns home to find a crowd gathered in Aniele’s and Marija crying upstairs. Alarmed, he tries to go up to the garret, but Aniele stops him, telling him that Antanas is dead.

Chapters 16-21 Analysis

With the deaths of Jurgis’s wife and son, capitalism’s destruction of the family is effectively complete. To further drive the point home, Sinclair depicts these deaths as coinciding with the loss of the family’s house, which served throughout the novel as a symbol of Jurgis’s aspirations towards middle-class domesticity. The fact that the family sacrificed so much, first to buy the house and then to remain in it, only heightens their sense of identification with it: “Why, they had put their very souls into their payments on that house, they had paid for it with their sweat and tears—yes, more, with their very life-blood" (199).

The deaths of Ona and Antanas also mark a turning point for Jurgis as a character. Jurgis had from time to time expressed regret about his decision to marry, since the need to support a wife and child kept him tied to the miserable conditions of life in Packingtown. Having lost his family, Jurgis now resolves to look out only for himself in the future and to take whatever he can from “the world that had baffled him and tortured him” (240).

To some extent, The Jungle suggests that this attitude is justified. Jurgis is correct in his sense that “the world” is against him; as his experience at the harvester works demonstrates, even a kind employer is ultimately no protection for a worker because employers are themselves susceptible to the ups and downs of the free market. What’s more, the aftermath of Jurgis’s attack on Connor makes it clear that the legal system cannot be relied upon to provide justice in the face of capitalism’s abuses. On the contrary, the law functions primarily to preserve the wealth of the owner classes while suppressing unrest amongst the working-classes: “[I]t was the packers, his masters, who had bought up the law of the land, and had dealt out their brutal will to him from the seat of justice” (180). There is thus little point in trying to play by society’s “rules,” which, as Jurgis’s fellow inmates are happy to tell him, exist precisely to keep people like them in a state of fear and subservience: “Into this wild-beast tangle these men had been born without their consent, they had taken part in it because they could not help it; that they were in gaol was no disgrace to them, for the game had never been fair, the dice were loaded” (186).

Nevertheless, The Jungle ultimately rejects the idea that ruthless self-interest is the only way to respond to the system’s brutality and corruption. On the contrary, as a work inspired by socialist principles, the novel depicts solidarity amongst the working-classes as essential, both to advance the cause and to give those still struggling under capitalism a sense of purpose: “No matter how poor a man was, or how much he suffered, he could never be really unhappy while he knew of that future […] to a Socialist, the victory of his class was his victory” (351).