38 pages 1 hour read


Oedipus Rex

Fiction | Play | Adult

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Essay Topics


The philosopher Aristotle considered Oedipus Rex a paragon among plays, and used it to expand on his theory of catharsis—the idea that seeing traumas enacted onstage provides the audience relief through the experience of pity and terror. How does Oedipus Rex bring about catharsis? Look for specific moments in the play to support your ideas.


If you were directing Oedipus Rex, how would you encourage the actor playing Jocasta to describe Laius’s attempted infanticide or the actor playing Oedipus to describe fleeing from the people he believes are his parents? Why would you stage these scenes this way?


The Chorus provides interludes of music, dance, and commentary. What dramatic, thematic, and emotional roles does the Chorus serve?