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David Sedaris


Nonfiction | Essay Collection | Adult | Published in 1997

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Chapters 1-5Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary: “Chipped Beef”

The first three pages of this chapter are dedicated to an extended description of young David Sedaris’s life. He describes his family as immensely wealthy, attractive, intelligent, selfless, modest, and beloved in their community. The details he includes become more and more hyperbolic; he refers to his many servants, his otherworldly good looks, and the public’s obsession with him and his family. He offhandedly states that his sisters were recently kidnapped, but his father destroyed the ransom note: “We don’t negotiate with criminals, because it’s not in our character” (7-8).

This setup is revealed as an extended fantasy of young David’s. In reality, his family is middle class, but he longs for fabulous wealth, acclaim, and a high-born lifestyle. He often imagines that he is a long-lost son of aristocrats or that he will be kidnapped by a benevolent rich couple. His mother accuses him of being a snob while she cooks chipped beef gravy. Sedaris depicts her as sarcastic and gruff.

David has four younger sisters. When his mother discovers she is pregnant for the sixth time, David finds her crying. She says she’s not ready to have a sixth baby. He asks if she is “sad because [she hasn’t] vacuumed the basement yet” (10) and offers to help, but she replies: “No, I’m sad because, shit, because I’m going to have a baby, but this is the last one, I swear. After this one I’ll have the doctor tie my tubes and solder the knot just to make sure it’ll never happen again” (10).

David is too young to understand what she’s talking about, but he is determined to support her. The chapter ends with the understanding that David will help his mother in any way he can in exchange for $20 and the promise of his own room.

Chapter 2 Summary: “A Plague of Tics”

This chapter describes David’s childhood struggle with “tics.” It opens with a scene of him in class, compulsively licking light switches and performing intricate tapping rituals. His teacher, Miss Chestnut, asks to meet with his mother to discuss these “special problems.” She is brusque and sardonic.

David’s tics make it difficult for him to walk home from school.

It was a short distance from the school to our rented house, no more than six hundred and thirty-seven steps, and on a good day I could make the trip in an hour, pausing every few feet to tongue a mailbox or touch whichever single leaf or blade of grass demanded my attention. If I were to lose count of my steps, I’d have to return to the school and begin again (12).

When others confront David about his compulsions, he downplays their frequency and even claims that he doesn’t do them at all. He takes no pleasure in doing these things. Rather, he feels so compelled to do them that resisting his tics causes him “agony.” He also develops a habit of rocking back and forth in his bedroom while listening to the radio. Sedaris describes rocking as a soothing, voluntary activity, unlike his other tics. 

When Miss Chestnut arrives to speak with Sharon, David eavesdrops on their conversation. They do impressions of his compulsions over drinks. After her visit, David’s father begins threatening him in an attempt to curb his compulsions: “You touch your nose to that windshield one more time and I’ll guarantee you’ll wish you hadn’t” (17). When David begins to do it again, “[his] father slam[s] on the brakes” (17), leaving him with a bloody nose. After this incident, David develops a strategy of punching himself in the nose and rolling his eyes back in his head to quell his compulsions.

In the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, the cycle continues: David’s teacher and his mother drink and do impressions of him, his father berates him, and he develops more and more disruptive tics. His grades are poor, as school holds little interest for him.

His tics continue through high school and college. As a college freshman, he curbs his rocking to avoid having to explain it to his roommate and only does it when he is alone in their dorm.

Ultimately, David’s tics recede. He attributes this to his self-medication with cigarettes. 

Chapter 3 Summary: “Get Your Ya-Ya’s Out!”

David’s paternal grandmother— whom he and his sisters called “Ya Ya”— owns a newsstand/candy store and lives in a cramped “shithole” New York apartment.

Ya Ya is from Greece and speaks broken English. She and Sharon don’t get along and openly snap at each other. Ya Ya has an abnormal understanding of familial relationships; because of this, Louis had a difficult childhood.

During Sharon’s sixth pregnancy, Ya Ya breaks her hip. After her recovery, she moves in with the Sedarises. She begins attending Sunday services at the Orthodox Holy Trinity Church with David and his sisters. On her first day there, Ya Ya behaves bizarrely. In response, the Sedaris children pretend not to know her, but they soon become accustomed to Ya Ya’s eccentric behavior.

While she barely tolerates the Sedaris women, Ya Ya treats every boy like “a king.” She is delighted that the new baby is a boy. Sharon becomes increasingly withdrawn and begins drinking more. However, Louis refuses to put his mother in a nursing home: “He couldn’t evict his mother, but neither could he care for her” (30). When Sharon’s wealthy aunt dies, she inherits a large sum of money. With this “newfound leverage,” she threatens to move out, and Louis agrees to send Ya Ya to a lavish assisted living community called Capitol Towers. David enjoys visiting her and pretending that her apartment is really his.

Ya Ya’s behavior at Capitol Towers is antisocial, and its managers eventually find an excuse to evict her. She is transferred to Mayview, a depressing nursing home filled with dying senior citizens. Louis brings her home for regular visits.

Ya Ya dies while David is away at college. David returns home for the funeral and fights with his father because he got his ear pierced. David ultimately agrees to take the earring out for the funeral. The chapter ends with David pondering Ya Ya’s inner life and worrying about how his father will age. 

Chapter 4 Summary: “Next of Kin”

At age 13, David finds a pornographic novel called Next of Kin in the woods. It’s filled with incest, zoophilia, and other taboo sex acts, as well as numerous typos. David and his sisters Gretchen and Lisa discuss the book among themselves.

Gretchen begins to suspect that their neighbors and even their parents are involved in similar debauchery: “The Greek Orthodox church, the gaily dressed couples at the country club, even our elderly collie, Duchess: they were all in on it, according to Gretchen” (39). The book finds its way to the younger Sedaris girls, ten-year-old Amy and eight-year-old Tiffany. Eventually, the family’s housekeeper finds it and turns it over to Sharon.

David and his sisters become terrified that their parents will begin making sexual advances on them. David retrieves the book from his parents’ room and disposes of it in a grocery store parking lot, where a man with a pickup truck finds it and takes it away.

Chapter 5 Summary: “Cyclops”

After an incident in which six-year-old Tiffany stabs David in the face with a pencil, Louis tells a story from childhood: He accidentally shot a childhood friend, Frank, in one eye with a BB gun, permanently blinding him. Louis tells his children that the guilt is unbearable. He introduces them to Frank, and they see that one of his eyes has a “milky” pupil and a “mangled” socket. As an adult, David learns that the story was fabricated; Frank’s bad eye is a birth defect.

The BB gun incident is only one of many stories Louis tells to warn his children about potential danger, leading them “to wonder if [their] father had any friends who could still tie their own shoes or breathe without the aid of a respirator” (43). His warnings terrify David as he starts taking driver’s ed in high school. He decides never to drive again.

Although Louis “waged a full-fledged campaign of terror” (45) when David first moved to New York City, he now visits often and goes out of his way to annoy and berate strangers. When David chides him for it, his father responds: “Oh, you kids […] Not a one of you has got so much as a teaspoon of gumption. I don’t know where you got it from, but in the end, it’s going to kill you” (45).

Chapters 1-5 Analysis

Sedaris frequently uses hyperbole for comedic effect. While Naked is ostensibly a work of nonfiction, this propensity toward comic exaggeration blurs the line between reality and fabrication. Sometimes, his use of hyperbole is obvious. For example, in what is ultimately revealed to be a daydream, young David describes himself as immaculately handsome: “When asked, most people say that my greatest asset is my skin, which glows—it really does! I have to tie a sock over my eyes in order to fall asleep at night” (6). In this case, his use of hyperbole is so overblown that the metaphorical statement “my skin glows” is literalized: his skin really glows, to the point that it disturbs his sleep. Even outside a fantasy sequence, most readers will recognize this as a joke because what he describes is not physically possible.

Some of the anecdotes in Naked are harder to classify as fact or fiction. For example, Sedaris describes his eccentric Ya Ya’s odd behavior in church:

Her first Sunday in our church, Ya Ya stopped the service when she tossed aside her cane and crawled up the aisle on her hands and knees. The priest saw her coming, and we watched as he nervously shifted his eyes, taking one step back, then another and another. The man was pinned against the altar when Ya Ya finally caught up with him, caressing and ultimately kissing his shoes (28).

Unlike glowing skin, an incident like this could happen in reality. However, it is extremely bizarre, to the point that a reader might wonder if it is exaggerated or even completely fabricated. Passages like this one may instill a feeling of suspicion in the reader; this bolsters the book’s running themes of Neuroticism, Anxiety, and Self-Examination and the Blurring of Reality and Fantasy.

Sedaris’s neuroticism in “A Plague of Tics,” “Next of Kin,” and “Cyclops” centers on a desire to ascertain truth and certainty. He is compelled to count and check things in his environment to quell his niggling doubt: “Are [there] really one hundred and fourteen peppercorns left in that small ceramic jar? […] check the iron and make sure it’s not setting fire to the baby’s bedroom. […] Is [the television antenna] still set into that perfect V?” (15). Likewise, in “Next of Kin,” David becomes paranoid that his parents are sexual predators and watches them for signs that this fear might be true. In “Cyclops,” David interrogates the outlandish stories his father tells him after years of naively taking them on faith; as an adult, he discovers that his father made them all up on a lark. Positioning his father’s complaint about his kids’ lack of “gumption” in the same essay that catalogs the endless catastrophes that his father presented as the outcome of ordinary activities such as using the garbage disposal reveals that his father is oblivious to his role in creating his children’s irrational fears and the self-limiting behaviors they exhibit as precautionary measures to stave off disaster.

David’s fascination with lying and performing as a young adult seems to directly contradict his childhood obsession with ascertaining the truth. By that token, there is a similar irony to Naked being a nonfiction piece that blurs the line between actual events, comedic license, and fabrication.