86 pages 2 hours read

Sonia Sotomayor

My Beloved World

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2013

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Chapters 11-14Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary

Sotomayor attends Cardinal Spellman High School. The school is split down the middle, boys on one side, girls on the other. The two genders mix only in the lunchroom and in religion, Advanced Placement, and freshman Spanish. Students who speak Spanish at home are put in an accelerated class. The nun who teaches the class intends to move three times as fast as the regular Spanish class, but the students have not studied Spanish and do not know formal grammar. Sotomayor is one of the students enlisted to explain they need to go slower. The nun is “understanding and accommodating” and slows the pace (102). For Sotomayor, it is a “good lesson in the value of learning to express your basic needs and trusting you will be heard” (102).

Her geometry teacher—nicknamed Rigor Mortis because of his many years at the school—accuses Sotomayor of cheating after she achieves a perfect score on the New York State Regents exam. She had not, he tells her, scored perfectly on any practice tests. Sotomayor explains this is because he subtracted points for her process not her final result. He consults her practice tests, sees that she is correct, and changes her grade accordingly. She is “truly amazed” (103).

The summer between her freshman and sophomore years, Sotomayor reads Lord of the Flies and does not feel “ready to start another book” after finishing it (104). It haunts her, and she wants to think more about it. To avoid potential boredom, she decides to get a summer job. Celina is distressed and apologizes for not making enough money to provide Sotomayor with more pocket money. Celina had worked so hard throughout her life that she did not “appreciate that leisure could mean boredom” (105). Sotomayor explains that she wants to work and does not blame her mother.

Titi Carmen gets Sotomayor a job at the woman’s clothing store where she works. Sotomayor is too young to work legally so is paid below minimum wage and off the books. She pitches in “wherever needed,” including keeping an eye out for shoplifters (106). Junkies are “especially suspect” but never make a scene when confronted. Management lets them go, partly because cops have “their hands full dealing with the gangs” and partly because management understands “that shame and pity” are “punishment enough” (106). On Saturday nights, the store closes after dark, and two patrol officers escort them home. Sotomayor falls asleep thinking about Lord of the Flies, relating the book’s rival tribes to the gangs and cops.

During the day, when she can walk home unescorted, she stops at a street cart to buy a banana. A cop comes by and receives two bags of fruit that he does not pay for. Sotomayor asks the vendor why he gave the fruit away, and he explains, “If I don’t give the fruit, I can’t sell the fruit” (107). Sotomayor feels sad, but the vendor says everyone has to make a living. She recognizes the neighborhood is a war zone that needs cops and that they work “hard at a dangerous job with little thanks from the people they” protect (107). She wonders how “things break down” and thinks about Lord of the Flies, how the children began with good intentions that are “battered by those who are more self-indulgent” and “driven by ego and fear” (108). She thinks about the conch shell in the story that “stands for order” but “holds no power in itself” and wonders which side the cop is on (108).

She recalls going, as a child, with Titi Aurora to the factory where she worked illegally as a seamstress. The workers broke the law every time they went to work but “weren’t criminals” (109). They were trying to survive. She also recalls an evening at the store when her coworkers made crank calls to random numbers from the phone book: when women answered, they pretended they were having affairs with the women’s husbands. She cannot understand why her coworkers, including her aunt, could be “so arbitrarily, pointlessly cruel” (109). Carmen says they were only joking and did not mean any harm. Sotomayor wonders why it is so hard for people to put themselves in another’s shoes and concludes that things break down because “people can’t imagine someone else’s point of view” (109).

Chapter 12 Summary

Midway through Sotomayor’s freshman year of high school, Celina moves the family to Co-op City, “Siberia in the Bronx” (110). It was still under construction when the family moved there. Bronxdale has become riddled with gangs, drugs, and arson, and Celina wants a safer neighborhood for her children. Dr. Fisher made the move possible by leaving the family $5,000 in his will. The rest of their extended family eventually joins them, including Titi Aurora, who moves in with Celina’s family, possibly to add further surveillance for the teens. The apartment continues to serve as a “favorite hangout” among Sotomayor’s friends (114).

She befriends Marguerite Gudewicz, a half-German and half-Polish girl whose mother hid Jews in World War II Germany. In their communities, marriage between a Pole and a German is “virtually miscegenation” (115). Though Marguerite’s father is prejudiced against Puerto Ricans, he stands up for Sotomayor when someone calls her by a racial epithet. In her new, more prosperous community of people representing “every imaginable background,” her “emotional world” expands (116). She sees both the differences and similarities among them.

At school, Sotomayor’s “intellectual horizons” expand parallel to her emotional life in Co-op City. Miss Katz, her history teacher, encourages students to “master abstract, conceptual thinking,” not just rote memorization, and to think critically about history (117). Though Jewish, Miss Katz teaches at a Catholic School because she was inspired by the priests and nuns she met in Latin America, who put their lives in danger to help the poor. She describes Sotomayor’s parish priest, Father Athanasius, in similar terms. Sotomayor had not realized what “a larger-than-life presence” the priest is beyond the pulpit (117). He is a tenants-rights advocate in Abuelita’s neighborhood who walks the streets with a baseball bat, negotiates “with gangs and landlords,” and works to renovate buildings “abandoned or gutted by arson” as low-cost housing (117).

At school, Sotomayor is not considered attractive. She feels “like everybody’s second choice” and is caught “off guard” when Kevin Noonan makes her “feel attractive in a way that” feels “new” and “not unwelcome” (119). They go to Manhattan for their first date, and he shows her his favorite spots. They become “inseparable” (120). He loves reading as much as she does, and they spend their time together at her apartment studying, watching television, taking walks, or reading together. However, his mother struggles to accept Sotomayor. After she introduces him to Abuelita, their relationship becomes official, and both families expect them to marry. 

Chapter 13 Summary

To develop her public speaking, Sotomayor joins the girls’ team of the Forensics Club at Cardinal Spellman. The team’s student coach is Kenny Moy, who coaches the “self-selected high-functioning nerds” in “debate and extemporaneous speech” (122). Kenny is a brilliant debater who can dismantle opponents’ argument “utterly untainted by emotion” (122). He tells Sotomayor not to “talk with her hands” (122).

Sotomayor also learns formal logic in a philosophy class and loves it. She finds logic “mathematically pure” but also capable of transforming “into human persuasion, into words with the power to change people’s minds” (123). She reflects that Forensics Club prepares her to become a lawyer in ways she does not appreciate fully at the time. Participants are given a topic and told to argue it regardless of whether they agree with it personally. This requires both arguing and listening to the other side in order to “respond effectively” to opponents (123). Listening had become “second nature” to her (123). As a child, Sotomayor watched for nonverbal cues because they were “the key to survival in a precarious world” (124). Kenny teaches her a new way of listening: for logical weaknesses, flawed assumptions, and facts that can be challenged. While learning to use logic strategically, Sotomayor recognizes that emotion can also be persuasive.

She makes it “to the finals of the extemporaneous speech competition” (124). She is given three topics and must pick one on which to present a five-to-seven-minute speech, with fifteen minutes to “brainstorm and organize” (124). Sotomayor chooses the one topic that is closer to home: the brutal beating, rape, and murder of Kitty Genovese, a Queens, NY resident. Sotomayor begins by describing the events leading up to the attack, the attack itself, and its aftermath. Throughout, she considers her audience and what will engage them without alienating them. While thirty-eight neighbors confessed to hearing the attack, only one phoned the police, and then only after the attack was over. Sotomayor considers how to inspire her audience, themselves possible bystanders, “to step up and take responsibility” (126). She explains that what happened to Genovese happens “when we become apathetic about our roles in society” (126). She ends her speech by asking the audience if they will “be fully human in that moment and feel the obligation to care, to act to get involved?” (126). She tells her audience that Genovese was a flower poised to open but was “destroyed” by apathy, using her fist to punctuate “destroyed” (126). She wins first prize and tells Kenny that sometimes it is okay to talk with your hands.

Wanting to improve her income potential, Celina decides to pursue training as a registered nurse. When she becomes overwhelmed and intimidated by school, loses confidence, and wants to quit, Sotomayor uses reverse psychology to compel her mother to continue. She tells Celina that she and Junior will also quit school, which Celina is terrified of happening. Seeing how this “emotional blackmail” sends her mother back to studying proves to Sotomayor “that a chain of emotion can persuade when one forged of logic one won’t hold” (128). Just as important is seeing her mother overcome her lack of confidence with “a surplus of effort” (128). 

Chapter 14 Summary

Despite Kenny’s emphasis on “cool, dispassionate rationality,” the movie Love Story, which was supposedly set at Harvard, sweeps Sotomayor up “with every other high school girl in America” (129). The film’s “pointy arches,” “book-lined walls,” and “leather couches” create an “antiquarian fantasy” college image for Sotomayor (129). At Cardinal Spellman, the college counselor’s default recommendation is Fordham and other Catholic colleges, but Kenny, who has gone on to Princeton and with whom Sotomayor has stayed in touch, encourages her to apply to Ivy League schools.

She receives her applications, writes her essays, and takes the SATs with little guidance, the norm for students not coming out of an “elite prep school” and lacking financial resources in the pre-internet era (130). Princeton sends her a postcard informing her that she is “likely” to be admitted. A school nurse demands to know how that is possible when the school’s two top-ranked girls only received a “possible” (132). Sotomayor does not respond in the moment but realizes the nurse wants her to feel “shame” (132). She wishes she had told the nurse that she works part time on weekends and full time during the summer and is on the Forensics team and in student government. The nurse’s question “would hang over [Sotomayor] for years” as she “lived the day-to-day reality of affirmative action” (132).

When her acceptances begin rolling in, she considers her options. She disqualifies Columbia for being “too close for comfort” and, with Love Story on her mind, schedules her first visit with Radcliffe (132). The campus’ location in the city of Cambridge disappoints Sotomayor, who had imagined an “idyllic haven set apart from the world” (133). In the waiting room, a woman wearing “a perfectly tailored black dress, a pearl necklace and earrings, and beautiful little pumps” leads her into her office, two lapdogs in tow (133). The tableau overwhelms and intimidates Sotomayor. Fearing she does not belong, she experiences “a suffocating panic” and returns to the Bronx without completing her scheduled visit (134). When she confesses her feelings to her mother, Celina says, “You know best, Sonia” (134). Sotomayor crosses Radcliffe off her list.

At Yale, two Latino students meet her at the New Haven train station in between attending anti-Vietnam War protests. Her Catholic school education equipped her to distinguish “purgatory from limbo better than” she could “the distinctions between socialism and communism,” which these students argue about during Sotomayor’s two-day visit (136). Their “down with whitey” talk embarrasses her as many of her friends and most of her teachers are white, and she feels comfortable moving between worlds “without assuming disguises” (136). She has experienced prejudice at varying levels but does not feel defined by it and does not feel it helps “to hurl a slur in reply” (136). While she “knew where these kids were coming from” and that they had things in common, she could not see herself welcoming Kevin to Yale for a weekend visit.

Kenny meets her at the bus station when she goes to Princeton for her scheduled visit. He gathers a small group of his friends, “exceptionally bright but slightly off-beat inner-city kids” with radical politics but more quietly so (137). They keep “at arm’s length from Princeton’s preppy mainstream,” who Kenny calls “strange privileged human beings” Sotomayor will not understand but who she will have no trouble keeping up with intellectually (137). At her interview, she feels comfortable chatting with the “professorial tweedy” admissions officer, who she finds “open and easy to talk to” (137). By the end of the weekend, she decides to attend Princeton and is offered a full scholarship.

The enthusiastic congratulations from anyone she tells bring home “the power of those ivy names” (138). While shopping for a winter coat, a saleswoman’s indifference transforms to “courtesy and respect” when Celina explains the coat is a gift for her daughter who is going to Princeton (140). Celina tells Sotomayor that she is being treated as a queen a work, including from doctors who never had a word to spare for her. She says she does not know what Sotomayor has gotten herself into, but they are “going to find out” (140).

Chapters 11-14 Analysis

Chapters Eleven through Fourteen cover Sotomayor’s formative experiences in high school, including her college-admissions process and choice. During her freshman year of high school, Sotomayor’s intellectual and emotional horizons broaden through a new school, new teacher, and new community. At Cardinal Spellman, Miss Katz, who had been inspired by her work with priests and nuns, shows Sotomayor a side of them that she had not previously known: their efforts on behalf of the poor and marginalized not only in South America but in Abuelita’s community. Miss Katz also encourages her students to think critically about and analyze facts not just regurgitate them, at that point a new experience for Sotomayor that will prepare her to meet future intellectual challenges both in college and as a lawyer and judge.

Aware that she will need public-speaking acumen as a lawyer, she participates in Forensics Club during her sophomore year, which introduces her to reasoning for the purposes of argumentation and persuasion. Through Kenny Moy, the girls’ Forensics team coach, and a philosophy class, Sotomayor learns how logic can become a persuasive tool, though she believes emotion can also be powerful, as demonstrated when she argues the Kitty Genovese case, notorious for the inaction shown by thirty-eight witnesses who heard her being attacked but did not actively intervene or phone police. Genovese was a Queens, NY woman who was beaten, raped, and murdered in 1964. Sotomayor’s speech strives to inspire her audience to be active participants, providing a preview for a point she makes later in the book: “There are no bystanders in this life” (280).

Sotomayor’s emotional life expands through a new community she becomes part of when Celina moves the family to Co-op City, the world’s largest cooperative housing development, which was constructed in the Bronx between 1968 and 1973. Rent was scaled according to income, and residents could earn cooperative shares, with the potential for tax benefits. Sotomayor’s Co-op City’s neighbors work in more prosperous professions and are more ethnically diverse than Sotomayor’s previous neighbors in the Bronxdale projects. She experiences prejudice but also sees common threads among her friends of diverse ethnicities. Her boyfriend and future husband, Kevin, is Irish, and his mother initially disapproves of Sotomayor. Yet both the Irish and Puerto Rican communities expect first loves to marry each other.

While working at her first job, Sotomayor witnesses a cop receive a bribe from a fruit vendor, who gives the officer free fruit in exchange for being allowed to maintain his fruit cart. Sotomayor is saddened not only because she holds police to a higher standard but also because she believes the cop’s corruption is emblematic of a larger societal problem: the inability to see ourselves in the other. Sotomayor sees this reflected in other places around her as well. She sees it in her coworkers, who make crank calls that transform others’ distress into their own amusement. This impulse to see self in another and create community from that impulse will drive much of Sotomayor’s professional and personal life throughout the book.

Chapter Fourteen details her college search, application process, and how and why she ultimately chooses Princeton. In making this decision, having a living model of success proves powerful: Kenny Moy has gone on to Princeton, and he encourages Sotomayor to apply to Ivy League colleges. Though she is accepted by Radcliffe, Yale, and Princeton, she ultimately chooses the one where she has a friend whose trusted first-hand account helps convince her that she will be able to thrive there, despite her insecurities and doubts. Ivy League universities had only just begun to institute Affirmative Action policies, and Sotomayor receives a taste of the criticism that is to come through Cardinal Spellman’s school nurse, who questions why she has been accepted over other top-ranked students at the school.