111 pages • 3 hours read
Tiffany D. JacksonA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.
Daddy is late for dinner on a cold night because his van broke down on the highway. When he went into the service station for help, he ran into an old classmate who said he saw Monday’s father, Tip, working gas pumps nearby. Daddy got Tip’s number, called Tip, and found out Tip hasn’t seen Monday. He hasn’t seen any of his children in over a year.
Ma is outraged. Tip apparently owes Mrs. Charles thousands in unpaid child support, so he’s been afraid she would have him arrested if he showed up. Daddy comments on how impossible Mrs. Charles is.
Ma asks Claudia again how she enjoyed the basketball game. With April’s words swimming in her head, she responds in a lackluster way. She realizes that her mother wants her to go to that high school, at least as a backup for the more prestigious school Monday that had wanted to attend.
Ma turns down a different road than usual to pick up Michael on their way to church. She assumed Claudia wouldn’t mind, not knowing that Claudia and Michael didn’t part on good terms after the game. Michael didn’t say one word to her for the rest of the game. When Claudia and Michael act frosty toward one another in the car, Ma asks what happened between them and doesn’t believe Claudia when she says “nothing.” Claudia also sassily tells her mother to ask “golden boy” (259).
While Ma takes care of the babies in the church nursery, Claudia carefully watches Michael. He greets everyone with smiles and hugs but she can see the exhaustion and strain behind his eyes. After the service, Ma invites him for dinner. He accepts.
Noticing the TV isn’t attached to the wall, Michael asks for Daddy’s tools and proceeds to install it for them as Ma makes dinner. He then proceeds to fix their modem, repair their Wi-Fi, and reconfigure their computer. When Daddy walks in, he’s not pleased to see a strange man in his house. Ma says he’s Claudia’s friend, but Daddy refers to him as a boyfriend, embarrassing both Michael and Claudia. Soon enough, Daddy and Michael start talking about football; in no time, Daddy loves Michael as much as everyone else does. Claudia sulks.
After dinner, Michael and Claudia eat dessert alone in the living room, and Claudia finally asks him if he’s going to stay mad at her. He tells her how stupid it was to run out after April, calling April a ho. When Claudia defends April, Michael observes that it doesn’t mean that April is Claudia’s friend. He says he’s not mad at Claudia, just mad they didn’t get to hang out like he hoped. Claudia asks about being called just a girl from church. “Well, I didn’t want people thinking we … you know, unless you wanted them to. Folks talk. You of all people should know” (265).
Claudia writes to Monday, telling her about the night, again asking why Monday left her without saying anything.
Claudia began to enjoy TLC. She listened to audiobooks, which reminded her of Monday reading to her. For the first time since the previous spring, she felt like herself again.
One day, Mrs. Valente rushed into TLC in a near panic and pulled Claudia out to talk in private. She visited Mrs. Charles and finally agreed with Claudia that something was terribly wrong. She said something was off with Mrs. Charles, and she saw little Tuesday standing in the house in dirty underwear before getting the door slammed in her face. Ms. Valente called 9-1-1 and filed a report with the Children and Family Services Agency (CFSA), but she didn’t believe that they would help. She said that Monday’s long absence from school two years ago wasn’t because of the flu; her mother was charged with neglect. Mrs. Charles took court-ordered parenting classes and regained custody, but Mrs. Valente thought CFSA never followed up.
She asked if Monday was ever terrified of Mrs. Charles, and Claudia hesitantly implied that she was. Mrs. Valente made Claudia promise not to go near that house again. “‘Between her, that report, and what I saw […] I don’t know […] there’s something about that woman […] makes my skin crawl.’ I nodded, knowing it was a promise I had no intention on keeping” (271).
Claudia’s favorite month used to be March because of spring break, holidays, and her birthday. She reflects on Monday’s sister April, who is a yellowish amber color to Claudia, and who lies constantly. Nonetheless, Claudia sees her as gold. April is molded and used by others who are drawn to her strength. Once she’s been hollowed out by others, her gold gone, she turns others’ skin green like cheap jewelry.
Claudia listens to the Adele song for her dance solo. She meditates on the meaning of the song, how Adele sings to the person she loves, knowing it’s over, but wanting one last moment. Claudia can only think of Monday. She thinks of her as her soul mate.
Michael unexpected arrives at the library after school. He’s upset because his father wants to stay in Dubai, where he’s working. He wants Michael and his mother to move there. Claudia realizes that if he leaves, she won’t have anyone. She asks him if he could stay with his grandma until graduation. He perks up, thanking her for the great idea. He asks what her schoolwork is, but she tries to hide it. He tells her about a classmate who uses TLC and does better than everyone on tests. Horrified, Claudia asks if he’s told anyone else. He hasn’t, but Claudia still runs away, embarrassed.
On Saturday, Claudia attends Ms. Manis’s open studio for freestyle. She feels safe here: “Happy to be alone in the one place I had control. The one place my past couldn’t touch me. The one place it didn’t matter if I could read or not. A sanctuary from the outside world” (279).
Claudia puts on her Adele song and practices. Her body and movements feel stiff and heavy. Megan shows up, showing Claudia how to loosen up as they practice together. Megan invites her to a sleepover at her house that night.
Ma is ecstatic that Claudia is going to her first sleepover party with new people. Claudia can’t believe she’s going to a high school party. Ma suggests she throw a big birthday party and invite her new friends. Claudia asks if Monday can come, but Ma’s eyes widen, and she says they’ll discuss it later.
Claudia feels immature bringing her mommy’s cookies and wearing sweats. The high school girls are in polished makeup, talking about sex, with which Claudia has no experience. Shannon from dance class needs her nails done for “later.” Claudia immediately volunteers, to Shannon’s doubtful acquiescence. Another girl, Kit Kat, asks Claudia why she ran after April at the basketball game. Claudia responds that she’s only her best friend’s sister, not really her own friend. They call April a ho, telling Claudia that she’ll get a bad reputation if she hangs out with April.
Claudia does everyone else’s nails. Megan’s mother speeds through the living room at some point, on her way to her job as a nurse. The minute Megan’s mother is gone, the girls jump into motion, changing into sexier clothing. They give Claudia a change of clothes, too: a crop top and short skirt. They all jump into a cab to go to a party.
The party is in a neighborhood Claudia’s father wouldn’t want her to be in without him, especially wearing such revealing clothing. They go down into a basement, where loud music plays and lots of high school kids are drinking and making out. Megan makes Claudia a mixed alcoholic drink and pressures her to drink it. It feels good to be included again, although Claudia misses Monday terribly. She keeps drinking to forget.
Michael suddenly appears, asking why Claudia is there and asking if her parents know where she is. She snaps back, asking if his parents know where he is. He storms away but watches Claudia closely.
Megan observes that Michael likes Claudia. Megan says many girls are after him at school, but he doesn’t give them any of the attention he gives Claudia. Megan tells her how pretty she is and how all the boys will be after her in high school; that’s why Michael is probably trying to claim her now.
The music turns up and everyone starts dancing. Emboldened by the alcohol, Claudia gets in the middle of the dance circle and blows everyone away with her moves. A boy starts dancing sensually with her while Michael talks to another girl in the corner. Claudia realizes it’s Jacob and disengages herself, trying to run away from him. He follows, telling her that Monday performed oral sex on him and that he tried to apologize for calling them lesbians by going to her house. Mrs. Charles kicked him out, however, and he never even saw Monday. Claudia’s surprised to learn that Monday used to go to the rec center every day, a fact she never knew.
Michael takes Claudia away to get some water. He tells Claudia he didn’t mean to make her feel uncomfortable about going to TLC. A group of boys and April walk in, silencing the room. Jacob scoots next to Claudia again, calling them the Lynch Mob boys. Girls whisper about April and she starts to panic. April sees Claudia with Jacob next to her and bolts out the door. Claudia follows, worried that April will tell Monday, but April promises she won’t tell Monday anything. Claudia asks if Monday can come to her birthday party and April laughs darkly, saying, “Monday’s. Not. Coming. She ain’t never coming back!” (305). She scolds Claudia for keeping Monday all to herself and then for going to a party like this without her.
Michael interrupts them before April reveals the truth about Monday’s murder. April disappears, and Claudia exclaims that it’s stupid to ignore April like everyone thinks she should. Michael wraps her in a huge hug and they start kissing. Claudia drops to her knees and starts fumbling with Michael’s belt, confused. Megan comes outside and Claudia snaps out of it, running back inside.
Claudia finds refuge in dance, and her reaction to her solo song reflects her reaction to Monday’s disappearance. Adele sings to someone she loves, wanting one last moment with them; Claudia has prolonged her last moment with Monday so long that she’s forgotten that Monday died. Claudia goes to her first high school sleepover and party. Michael, ever watchful, tries to protect her. When she makes an attempt to perform oral sex on him, he stops her because he knows she’s not ready.
At the party, April almost forces Claudia to face what happened, but Michael protectively interrupts April. Claudia hears that Monday isn’t coming back, but she still doesn’t understand that Monday died and that she’s blocked it from her mind.
Before she found out what happened to Monday, Claudia asked Mrs. Valente for help. When Mrs. Valente finally visited the Charles house, she came to the same conclusions as Claudia but told her to stay away from Monday’s house. Claudia did not follow this advice, as later chapters will reveal, placing herself at extreme risk to find out where her best friend was. Those risks would not have been necessary if adults had taken more initiative to investigate Monday’s disappearance.
Before the party, Michael visits Claudia’s home, mounting their TV back on the wall. Later chapters reveal that Daddy ripped the television down in a rage after watching posthumous news reports about Monday.
By Tiffany D. Jackson
Tiffany D. Jackson
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