91 pages 3 hours read

Art Spiegelman


Nonfiction | Graphic Novel/Book | Adult | Published in 1986

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

Thought & Response Prompts

These prompts can be used for in-class discussion, exploratory free-writing, or reflection homework before or after reading the graphic novel.

Post-Reading Analysis

A yahrzeit candle is a candle lit in memory of the dead in Jewish tradition. Art Spiegelman has stated in multiple interviews that he considers Maus to be a yahrzeit candle for both his parents and Jewish victims of the Holocaust in general. How does Maus operate as this kind of memorial? How does this idea extend to the general public reading Spiegelman’s work, especially those of non-Jewish heritage?  

Teaching Suggestion: Have students focus on the idea of understanding history as a means of improving the future, which plays into the theme of Trauma and the Generational Divide.

  • an opinion piece discussing the importance of remembering and how this idea relates to the 2022 decision to ban Maus in a Tennessee school

Personal Response Prompt

Maus is both deeply personal and widely relevant. Do you have any relatives or friends whose experiences can be seen as both personal and influential in a larger scope? What would be the best vehicle—e.g., traditional memoir, graphic novel, film, music, painting—to share their story with the rest of the world?

Teaching Suggestion: Use this prompt to guide a discussion on why the story of Maus is so impactful and how reading about the lives of people who experienced important events helps younger generations better understand and empathize with strangers on a deeper, humanistic level.

Related Titles

By Art Spiegelman