104 pages 3 hours read

Louisa May Alcott

Little Women

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1868

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Part 1, Chapters 6-10Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1

Part 1, Chapter 6 Summary: “Beth Finds the Palace Beautiful”

The girls gradually begin to embrace the Laurences, despite the gruff and initially-intimidating nature of Mr. Laurence and the “fact that they were poor and Laurie rich, for this made them shy of accepting favors which they could not return” (61). Beth, however, remains fearful of Mr. Laurence, despite his attempts to entice her with the grand piano and her sisters’ apparent ease and enjoyment in the mansion.

When Mr. Laurence hears that Beth’s sensitivity to him has prevented her from coming over, he proceeds to mitigate the situation. Knowing of Beth’s attraction to the piano, he meets Mrs. March to discuss the underutilized instrument at his home and asks if one of her girls would “like to run over, and practice on it now and then, just to keep it in tune” (63). Beth gratefully volunteers for this opportunity and begins to warm toward Mr. Laurence, who finds in Beth a little girl he had once, “with eyes like [Beth’s]” (63). The following day, after a few false starts, Beth musters the courage to enter the Laurence household, and as soon as she comes upon the piano, she forgets her inhibitions and plays in an enraptured delirium until she has to go home for dinner. This routine continues daily, and Beth is unaware of the lengths that the Laurences go to, in order to make her comfortable: “She never knew that Mr. Laurence often opened his study door to hear the old-fashioned airs he liked; she never saw Laurie mount guard in the hall to warn the servants away” (64).

In gratitude, she gives Mr. Laurence a pair of slippers that she has diligently sewn for him. To her surprise, upon receiving it, he requests her to have the piano with a note of thanks. He says no pair of slippers have suited him so well, and the heartsease pattern she has embroidered is his “favorite flower” (66). In a bold move, Beth takes Jo’s joke seriously and goes over next door to personally thank Mr. Laurence and ends up kissing his cheek as she remembers that he is reminded of his granddaughter in her. From that point on, the two develop a close friendship, which amazes the other girls. Meg declares, “Well, I do believe the world is coming to an end” (68).

Part 1, Chapter 7 Summary: “Amy’s Valley of Humiliation”

Amy compliments Laurie’s horsemanship and wishes she had some of his wealth. When probed further by Meg, Amy speaks of her debt: “Why, I owe at least a dozen pickled limes, and I can’t pay for them, you know, till I have money, for Marmee forbade my having anything charged at the shop” (69). Currently, it is in fashion to have pickled limes; Meg is amused at this confession and gives Amy a quarter to restore her “honor” (70).

The next day, Amy has 24 pickled limes and “garners the attentions of her friends” (70), along with the vengeance of Jenny Snow. Previously, Jenny had made remarks about Amy’s nose and Amy’s lack of ever having limes, which is why Amy refuses to share her delicacies with her. At the same time, a renowned visitor who happens to drop by the school compliments Amy’s hand-drawn maps, which further causes fury in Jenny, leading her to report to the teacher, Mr. Davis, about Amy’s limes. Since limes are a banned item in the classroom, Mr. Davis punishes Amy by forcing her to throw her limes out the window and asks her for her palm to strike: “For the first time in her life she had been struck, and the disgrace, in her eyes, was as deep as if he had knocked her down” (73). Amy is then forced to stand on a platform until recess, as an example of disobedience. As soon as recess is declared, Amy gathers her things and goes straight home to her family, who are outraged and upset at her state. Her mother decides that Amy can take a vacation before Mrs. March discusses with her husband the next steps, as she does not approve of Mr. Davis’ approach.

Marmee agrees that Amy should not have broken the rules and did deserve to be corrected in some manner. She points out: “You are getting to be rather conceited, my dear, and it is quite time you set about correcting it” (75). Laurie then interjects to describe a humble girl whom he knew with a “really remarkable talent for music, and she didn’t know it,” referring to the shy Beth. Jo allows him to win their game of chess for the compliment. Later, after Laurie leaves, Amy asks her mother if Laurie is accomplished. Her mother affirms that he is but adds that he is not “conceited” which makes him “charming” (75). Amy learns the importance of modesty and “not to show off or get perked up” (76).

Part 1, Chapter 8 Summary: “Jo Meets Apollyon”

Amy is inquisitive about where Meg and Jo are going as they are in furtive preparation to see a play, The Seven Castles of the Diamond Lake, with Laurie. When Amy correctly guesses their plan after incessant bickering, she begs to go with them. Jo refuses to let Amy join, as Jo “disliked the trouble of overseeing a fidgety child when she wanted to enjoy herself” (78). Although Meg seems to soften to Amy’s desire, Jo is adamant that Amy will spoil their evening, so they leave a “wailing” Amy behind, who threatens, “You’ll be sorry for this Jo March, see if you ain’t”; Jo responds, “Fiddlesticks!” (78).

The play is up to their expectations, with “comical red imps, sparkling elves, and gorgeous princes and princesses” (78). However, Jo cannot fully enjoy it because the fairy queen’s hair reminds her of Amy, and she is curious as to what her sister might do in retaliation. When they return home, Amy reacts toward her coolly, and Jo, seeing that all her things appear in good shape, believes Amy has forgiven her.

The following day, Jo finds her manuscript—a collection of tales she had written over several years—missing. When she corners Amy, who finally admits she has burned it, Jo is infuriated because it’s her only copy. She hits Amy then says, “You wicked, wicked girl! I never can write it again, and I’ll never forgive you as long as I live” (80). When Marmee returns, she tells Amy that she did wrong; however, no amount of apologizing from Amy can soothe Jo. That night, Marmee advises Jo not to “let the sun go down upon your anger” (81). The next day, Jo decides to ask Laurie to go skating with her, and Amy follows them in the hopes that Jo will forgive her. Laurie tells Jo that the ice is not sturdy in the middle, but Jo neglects to share this information with Amy. Shortly after, Amy falls through the ice.

Jo is taken aback with dread and fear as she helps Laurie save Amy and bring her back home. With Amy covered in blankets and placed near the fire, Jo curses her own temper and confesses to her mother that Amy could have died because of Jo’s stubbornness. Marmee, to Jo’s surprise, admits that she has a temper like Jo’s, and she has yet to completely conquer it: “I am angry nearly every day of my life, Jo, but I have learned not to show it; and I still hope to learn not to feel it, though it may take me another forty years to do so” (84). She adds that their father has made it easier for her to be a better person and reminds Jo that if she places her trust in God and gives in to love, her path will become smoother and she will be happier. Amy awakens, she and Jo hug, and the two make up.

Part 1, Chapter 9 Summary: “Meg Goes to Vanity Fair”

Meg is invited by her wealthy friend Annie Moffat for a “fortnight of fun” (88) at her family’s extravagant home. The events are expected to be grandiose, and Meg prepares all her finery with help from her mother and sisters. Marmee worries, “fearing that [Meg] would come back more discontented than she went” (90), but allows her to go because of Meg’s insistence and Sallie Moffat’s promises to look after her.

When Meg arrives at the Moffats, she is overwhelmed and apprehensive of the luxury around her but becomes comfortable at their kindness: “Perhaps, Meg felt, without understanding why, that they were not particularly cultivated or intelligent people, and that all their gilding could not quite conceal the ordinary material of which they were made” (90). As Meg readies for the first party, her simple clothes receive glances from the Moffat girls, which causes Meg embarrassment, as she can feel that they pity her for her poverty.

A box of roses arrives for Meg from Laurie, as he promised to send her fresh flowers for the event. The girls tease Meg, assuming Laurie is her lover, a notion that she dismisses. Upon placing the flowers on her simple attire, Meg finds her dress not “so very shabby now” (92). Meg receives compliments at the party and enjoys her time until she hears some voices, including Mrs. Moffat, gossiping about her mother maneuvering Meg to be in the good graces of Mr. Laurence so Meg can then marry Laurie. They continue to comment on Meg’s pride and the worn appearance of her dress and wonder if they can offer her one of their own. That night, Meg cannot sleep due to what she has witnessed in the party. Her hosts then inform her the next day that they have invited Laurie. Meg indirectly explains to them that Laurie is a neighbor, a close friend, and virtually family.

Belle Moffat kindly offers to dress Meg for that night. Although Meg feels strange in an expensive and fashionable outfit, she is excited as she admires her beauty in the mirror. After she becomes accustomed to the splendor around her, Laurie enters. He disapproves of her costume, explaining, “’I don’t like fuss and feathers” (98). Meg is ashamed and makes Laurie promise to not tell her family about this incident because she wants to speak to them about it herself. Within the comforts of her home, she confesses to Marmee and Jo about the embarrassing experience of allowing her friends to dress her up like a “doll,” adding that she feels like a “fool” for her behavior (101). She also tells them the gossip she has overheard; Marmee rejects the idea that she wants Meg to marry Laurie. However, Marmee does further express her desire that her daughters “be loved and chosen by a good man [which] is the best and sweetest thing which can happen to a woman” (103). She adds that although money is useful, it is love and happiness that lasts.

Part 1, Chapter 10 Summary: “The P.C. and P.O.”

Spring arrives, and “[g]ardening, walks, rows on the river, and flower hunts employed the fine days, and for rainy ones, they had house diversions—some old, some new—all more or less original” (105). For fun, the girls secretly start a club together, which they call Pickwick Club, based on their love for Charles Dickens and his novel, The Pickwick Papers. Their weekly meetings consist of producing a newspaper, The Pickwick Portfolio, “filled with original tales, poetry, local news, funny advertisements, and hints” (106). Each girl takes on the role of a male character as in the Dickens novel: Meg is Samuel Pickwick, Jo is Augustus Snodgrass, Beth is Tracy Tupman, and Amy is Nathaniel Winkle.

During one of their meetings, Jo proposes to introduce Laurie as an honorary member of the club; they vote, with two being against and two for his inclusion. Meg and Amy fear that Laurie will tease them and ruin their all-female atmosphere, and Jo gives her word that he will not and that he shall be of great benefit to their meetings: “He likes to write, and he’ll give a tone to our contributions and keep us from being sentimental, don’t you see” (111).

With Beth providing further encouragement, they all agree. Jo then reveals Laurie, who has been hiding the closet, much to the dismay and betrayal of the other girls. However, to show his gratitude for his acceptance, he establishes a “post office” between the two houses for items to be passed. These items include “[t]ragedies and cravats, poetry and pickles, garden seeds and long letters, music and gingerbread, rubbers, invitations, scoldings, and puppies” (113).

Part 1, Chapters 6-10 Analysis

During this time period, each chapter shows the girls progressing and coming to terms with the realities of their journey.

Although Mr. Laurence’s presence initially horrifies the delicate and overly-feminine Beth, she realizes that happiness can be on the other side of fear as she overcomes her shyness. She discovers a kind man who once had a granddaughter like herself and is gifted with her piano. Perhaps Mr. Laurence’s granddaughter’s death foreshadows that Beth herself will soon face an early death.

Amy is wistful as she watches Laurie horseback riding: “I just wish I had a little of the money Laurie spends on that horse” (69). She must bring pickled limes to class to keep up her appearances and return favors. In her attempt to act beyond her means, she gets caught and punished in front of the whole class. Later, Marmee explains to her the importance of being humble, which Amy appears to understand when witnessing Laurie’s qualities: “It’s nice to have accomplishments and be elegant, but not to show off or get perked up” (76). In the end, Amy attains Laurie not with her airs but with her honesty.

Like any writer, Jo’s pride is in her manuscript, and when this is burned by Amy in a fit of revenge, she punishes her sister with the brunt of her anger. However, watching Amy almost drown puts Jo’s ego into perspective; she realizes her pride is not more important than the life of her sister. The dynamic between Jo and Amy is very reactive, as there is always a competition being played out. This chapter also includes one of the book’s most famous quotes, an admission by Marmee that she is “angry nearly every day of [her] life.” The line is a powerful acknowledgement of the rage that otherwise patient, gentle women feel at being oppressed because of their gender.

Similarly to Amy, Meg initially desires to indulge in appearances at the Moffats and allows them to dress her up, which causes Laurie to disapprove of her “fuss and feathers” (98) and another guest to call her “nothing but a doll” (98). At that moment, not only does she compromise her Christian values by dressing in an immodest fashion, she realizes that poverty suits her better.

Furthermore, in the eyes of Marmee and for girls of that time, they are still considered to be children—or at least not yet fully adults. For instance, unlike adults, they can play and pretend, which they do when they create a secret club and enact the male roles from the Dickens novel. This implies that childhood is a transitional space in which the sisters can be anything they want, enjoy all the freedoms typically bestowed on men, and for the time being escape the realities of becoming women.