71 pages 2 hours read

Firoozeh Dumas

It Ain't So Awful, Falafel

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Chapters 98-125Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 98 Summary: “Read All About It”

Content Warning: The source material features mentions of potential violence based on national origin.

Zomorod decides to get a job. Carolyn says that the Daily Lighthouse, a local paper, is the only place that would hire 12-year-olds. Carolyn gives her a phone number to call, and Zomorod reaches out. The paper needs someone to deliver newspapers in her neighborhood, and she is hired. She takes the job. They pay $2.90 an hour, plus a penny for every advertising insert that she puts in the paper. He says that they can drop off the papers and the inserts tomorrow, and she gets started.

The next day, Zomorod starts folding. Then, she puts on the delivery apron. Her dad helps her put papers in it, but it feels too heavy. Her dad holds the bike steady while she gets on. She falls at first, losing her balance, but she eventually completes the job.

Two days later, Zomorod’s dad helps her fold the newspapers again. Her mom comments that at least he’s not listening to the radio, and he snaps that he can do so whenever he wants. Zomorod feels a fight coming on, and it starts within minutes. The garage door is open, but Zomorod hopes that no one can hear them.

Chapter 99 Summary: “Let There Be Light”

The Kleins stop over the next day. Zomorod assumes they heard her parents fighting. The Kleins offer to help any way they can and emphasize that they’re sorry Americans have been treating them Iranians poorly. Mo thanks them.

When they leave, Zomorod’s parents start fighting again.

Chapter 100 Summary: “Ain’t It Awful, Falafel?”

Zomorod receives her first paycheck for $49, and she gives it to her dad. Later that night, she is delivering papers. She stops when Skip greets her. He says that Brock mentioned that her family is from Iran, though he pronounces it “I-ran.” Zomorod suddenly wishes she hadn’t stopped. He goes on to say he knew someone from Iran in college and that he was really nice. He hopes that her family is okay, and Zomorod says that they don’t know what will happen. Then, Skip says, “Ain’t it awful, falafel?” and that they can only hope for the best (311). Zomorod asks what falafel is, and Skip explains, surprised that she doesn’t know. She responds that it might be an Arabian food, and Iran isn’t an Arabian country. She pedals off.

Chapter 101 Summary: “Gray Skies”

Zomorod and her family learn that President Carter dispatched a rescue mission to Iran, but it was unsuccessful. Eight American servicemembers had died.

At school that day, a group of eighth graders come up to Zomorod demanding that “you” need to let the hostages go (313). Zomorod is nervous, and she hears them singing “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb I-ran” as they walk away (313). Carolyn thinks she should tell the principal, but Zomorod says no. Rachel agrees, knowing that they’ll just bug her more afterwards.

Zomorod is enraged. She’s mad at Khomeini and the hostage takers, but she’s also mad at the Americans who don’t know where Iran is on the map but are happy to declare it an enemy.

Chapter 102 Summary: “Valedictorian”

Zomorod is invited to Matt’s high school graduation party. He is the valedictorian, and Carolyn says that she hopes she’ll be valedictorian, too. So does Zomorod, but she no longer thinks she’ll go to college, because of her family’s financial situation. Her parents get Matt a pen.

At the party, Matt thanks her for the pen, and Zomorod suddenly feels nervous. He also adds that boys will one day value smart girls. Zomorod blushes, reflecting, “That is the nicest thing a boy has ever said to me” (316).

Chapter 103 Summer: “ of ’80”

Zomorod wishes that her summer were fun, but her house is sad, as her parents keep the blinds closed. Her friends are mostly busy, but Zomorod still avoids Carolyn when she calls. Eventually, Carolyn gives up.

Chapter 104 Summary: “Thirteen”

Zomorod turns 13 and thinks her parents forgot. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and it’s Carolyn and Rachel with balloons, cake, and a gift. Zomorod does not want to invite them in because her mom is in her robe and their house is a mess. She says she has to go. Her mom starts crying when she comes back inside, and Zomorod goes to her room. Her friends got her a puka shell necklace, which she has always equated with being like the other kids. She thinks that that’s silly now.

Chapter 105 Summary: “Curtains Closed”

Carolyn stubbornly comes over the next day and invites herself inside. Zomorod brings her upstairs because her house seems so dark with the curtains closed. Carolyn confronts her about being busy and says that she knows Zomorod is avoiding her. Zomorod feels embarrassed, both grateful for her friend and mad.

She is afraid to tell Carolyn what she’s feeling and how stressed she is about money, her mom’s sadness, and the violence in Iran. She’s afraid she won’t understand. Then, Carolyn invites her to go see Fame next week, and Zomorod agrees, but she knows that she’s avoiding her problems.

Chapter 106 Summary: “Forever Yours”

When they’re folding papers one day, Zomorod’s dad tells her, “[E]ducation can never be taken away from you” (322). He wipes away a tear, and Zomorod wishes she could make him feel better.

Chapter 107 Summary: “Uncle Jamshid’s Neighbor’s Cousin”

When Zomorod comes home from her paper route, her father announces that her uncle’s cousin, who loves to buy clothes, is about the same size as Zomorod, and they’re going to give her some clothes. Zomorod is excited. They bring over a suitcase of clothes the next day.

Zomorod is excited until she finds a shirt that says “Sexy Grandma” on it. She goes back downstairs, thinking her life is awful.

Chapter 108 Summary: “We Do Exist, Really”

On Saturday, Carolyn’s mom picks her up to see the movie. Zomorod asks Carolyn if she can promise to report on normal people when she becomes a journalist because she feels like they only see Iranians on TV yelling things like “Death to America” (326). Mrs. Williams says that shocking stories often get the most attention. Zomorod says that people should get to see the good things too. Carolyn agrees.

Chapter 109 Summary: “July 27, 1980”

The phone rings at 4:00 am. Zomorod’s dad is on the phone. When he hangs up, he reports that the shah is dead. They’re all worried.

Chapter 110 Summary: “Ring, Ring, Ring”

Their phone keeps ringing with Iranians calling about the news. Thousands celebrate his death. The funeral is in Egypt, and the leader of Egypt and former president Nixon are the only world leaders to attend. Zomorod thinks that all of the people who seemed like they were friends of the shah clearly weren’t real friends. She thinks that powerful people probably know a lot of people who pretend to like them. Zomorod is grateful for her friends.

Chapter 111 Summary: “Eighth Grade”

It is the first day of eighth grade, the last year that Zomorod will spend at Lincoln Junior High. She sees Rachel and Howie, who called when they got their class schedules in the mail. Zomorod feels bad she avoided them.

At school, Zomorod sees yellow ribbons representing the hostages all over the school. In Social Studies, the hostages come up, and Zomorod tells everyone that her father lost his job because of the relationship between America and Iran. She waits for people to say something rude, but no one does. Her teacher asks if she wants to do a report on current events, and she asks to do it after the hostages are released. They go back to discussing the presidential elections, and Zomorod wonders what President Carter will do if he’s not reelected.

Chapter 112 Summary: “Sequin Sisters”

For Halloween, Carolyn and Zomorod decide to wear the matching “Sexy Grandma” T-shirts that Zomorod received as Halloween costumes.

Chapter 113 Summary: “Halloween”

On Halloween, Carolyn and Zomorod pass out candy. One of the adults is dressed as Khomeini and he shouts, “Bomb I-ran” (336). Carolyn gives candy to the kids but tells the adult he can’t have any. As trick-or-treaters continue to come, many of the older kids are dressed as Khomeini. Zomorod tries to go home, but Carolyn convinces her to stay by reminding her that her dad believes in freedom of speech and that people have the right to wear bad costumes. She feels a little better but hates the Khomeini masks.

Chapter 114 Summary: “Following the Rules”

Zomorod goes the Kleins’ home to babysit David. They work on making an origami frog, but Zomorod is thrown off by the fact that even David knows her father is looking for a job. They end up playing Go Fish.

Chapter 115 Summary: “November 5, 1980”

Ronald Reagan wins the presidential election. Jimmy Carter loses votes because of the failed rescue mission, the hostage crisis, and the bad economy. Zomorod’s dad thinks the hostages will be released now that there’s a new president, but they aren’t.

Chapter 116 Summary: “December 19, 1980”

The hostage takers want $24 billion. They claim that the US has $14 billion in Iranian money already. Zomorod doesn’t think this situation will ever end.

Chapter 117 Summary: “My Favorite Hostage, Part II”

On Christmas day in 1980, Zomorod’s family is watching the news, which shows footage of the hostage, which has been permitted by the Iranians. A woman who has appeared before sings a Christmas song, and Zomorod and her mom both start to cry.

Chapter 118 Summary: “The French Boy”

A few days later, Zomorod goes with Howie, Carolyn, and Rachel to see A Little Romance. After the movie, the girls talk about romance, and Carolyn asks Zomorod if she wants to fess up to her crush on Brock. The girls tease her before Rachel changes the subject. They talk about boys on the way home, but Zomorod is a little mad at Carolyn.

Chapter 119 Summary: “January 20, 1981”

Zomorod and her family watch Reagan’s inauguration. Right after it’s over, Reagan announces that the hostages have been freed. They can’t believe the good news.

Chapter 120 Summary: “Day 445

Zomorod thinks that for a long time she thought that everything would return to normal when the hostages were released. However, her father is still out of a job. Iran is still filled with restrictions around music and women. There is no normal to go back to.

Zomorod’s dad asks to talk to her, and he explains that they are out of savings. No one has even let him interview, and so they are going back to Iran. He tries to make it seem like life there won’t be as bad as Zomorod thinks it is, and Zomorod runs to her room, refusing to let him in. She thinks that she hates her life and wishes she weren’t Iranian. She doesn’t know what to say to her friends and that maybe it would be easier to leave without saying goodbye.

After an hour, she goes back downstairs. She knows her father does not want to make them return either. She hugs him and cries. He doesn’t say anything.

Chapter 121 Summary: “Foiled”

At Carolyn’s one day, she asks Zomorod what her family will do now that the hostage crisis is over, and Zomorod says that they’re going back to Iran. Carolyn is upset and calls her mom in, asking if Zomorod could live with them. Mrs. Williams says it is a big decision and she would have to talk with her husband and Zomorod’s parents. She then asks Zomorod what she wants.

Zomorod never considered being away from her parents, but she can’t imagine returning to Iran. She wants to finish high school and college and to be with her friends. She believes her dad when he says that in America, you can become your best self. She says that she wants to stay. She and Carolyn hug.

Chapter 122 Summary: “Foiled Again”

When Zomorod gets home, she asks to talk to both of her parents. Her dad tells her that they will do everything they can to send her to college in England or America. He wants his daughter to be educated. Then, her mom says that Zomorod is so important to her and that she wishes they could stay in America. Zomorod is surprised and replies that she always thought her mom wanted to go back.

Her mom explains that she wanted to go back to the old Iran, but now they don’t have a choice. Zomorod feels like she doesn’t even know her mom. Her dad goes on to say that their whole lives are for her and that family is the most important thing.

Zomorod calls Carolyn and says that she has to go back to Iran. She wants to stay, but it’s complex. Carolyn doesn’t understand, and Zomorod explains that unlike in America, where one can dream up their future, she has to accept the future that she has been given. Carolyn feels like Zomorod is giving up, and Zomorod doesn’t feel like her friend understands her. They yell at one another and then hang up the phone.

Chapter 123 Summary: “Original Cindy”

Zomorod is in her garage assembling boxes for their move. Original Cindy comes in and asks to talk. She apologizes for being mean in sixth grade and admits that she was just trying to be good. She also apologizes for her mom putting the dead hamster on their doorstep. Zomorod asks her why her mom hates them, and Original Cindy isn’t sure, but she says her mom hates many people. She says that her mom is going to Montana to live with her sister while Original Cindy and her dad are staying.

Zomorod remembers how much she wanted to be the other girl’s friend and how when she stopped trying to be someone else, she made real friends.

Chapter 124 Summary: “Skip Again”

Skip comes over, and he explains that he learned about the hamster and apologizes for the fact that that happened to Zomorod’s family. Mo is confused, and Zomorod has to explain. She does, and her father says nothing.

Skip goes on to say that Mrs. Linden is no longer a member of the condo association and that she is going to send them a letter of apology. Skip also says that he has good news and that he knows Dr. Klein from the Rotary Club. After everything that happened, the Rotary Club wanted to help out with Mo’s job situation. Several of the Rotary Club members are also looking to hire an engineer, and they line up three interviews for Mo, who tries not to cry. Zomorod’s mom does start crying, thanking Skip.

Skip looks at Zomorod and says, “See? It ain’t so awful, falafel. Is it?” (365).

Chapter 125 Summary: “Holy Mole”

Skip throws a potluck pool party for Mo’s new job. Zomorod invites all of her friends, including Original Cindy. Zomorod watches as the neighbors try to chat with her mom. Original Cindy is also trying to find a home for the kittens that were just born in her house, and Zomorod asks her dad, but he says no.

Skip gives a speech, and he emphasizes that America is full of immigrants. He also announces that the condo association has decided to add an “Our Community” chapter to the rulebook (368).

Zomorod goes over the food table to get another taco with Carolyn and Howie. Brock comes over and comments that the fesenjoon looks like mole, which he had in Mexico. He is the first one to try it.

Zomorod feels like everything in her world is good.

Chapters 98-125 Analysis

In this section, Zomorod reaches her lowest point before the novel finds its resolution, highlighting the theme of The Danger of Uninformed Judgments, as she believes her friends fundamentally cannot understand her. At the beginning of the book, she wanted nothing more than to be surrounded by her friends. However, by this point, she feels that she is so much different than them that they won’t be able to understand her. Her decision to isolate herself in her room goes back to her view of herself as a turtle, “because when I need to, I go into my own shell” (63). This moment is meant to show how isolated one can feel when times get difficult. While her family has done nothing to warrant the treatment they receive from Americans expressing anti-Iranian sentiment, it takes a toll in addition to the concern that they already have for their family members back home in Iran. Without a community to support them, they are alone. Even Carolyn, Zomorod thinks, has “already heard more about me than anyone else, but I’m worried she’s reached her limit. Her family is so normal. How do I explain my sad life to her?” (321).

Zomorod underestimates her friends and is afraid of being vulnerable with them. She thinks that there is a point at which they will see her as too different from them and stop accepting everything that is in her life. However, Carolyn’s stubborn personality makes her a great friend for Zomorod because she refuses to let Zomorod isolate herself. Ultimately, the theme of Being Yourself and Finding Friends reaches its resolution during Zomorod’s conversation with Original Cindy. Zomorod comes to recognize how her friendship with Original Cindy was so different from those with Carolyn, Rachel, and Howie, as she thinks, “I tried so hard to be just like her so she would like me. It was only when I stopped pretending to be someone else that I found my real friends” (360). In the end, she is able to celebrate with friends over the fact that she is staying in the United States.

The climax of the novel occurs when the hostages are released, and Zomorod’s parents make the decision to return to Iran. For Zomorod, this decision is an important one, as she is pulled between the two worlds in which she belongs. She loves her life in the United States, and she believes that she “can become the best version of myself, like my dad always says. I know I can’t do that in Iran” (352). As part of the theme of America as the Land of Complexity and Opportunity, she sees what her life would be like if she decided to stay in the United States. However, she ultimately chooses her family, deciding to go with her parents. This decision is due in part to her mother’s revelation that she would stay in America if she could, showing Zomorod that she doesn’t always know everything about her parents and what they’re thinking. Additionally, despite how much her father loves America, he emphasizes that “[f]amily is the most important thing in the world” (356). This is a complex decision for Zomorod to make, as she is choosing family over opportunity, and that is partly why Carolyn doesn’t understand it, afraid of what might happen to her friend if she returns to a place where women are openly oppressed.

Ultimately, because of Skip and Dr. Klein’s interventions, America once again becomes the land of opportunity as they find Mo a job. Skip is ultimately the one to give the novel its title, telling Zomorod, “See? It ain’t so awful, falafel” (365). His words echo back to when he made the statement a question and asked, “Ain’t it awful, falafel?” (311), trying to impart optimism that didn’t work out until he appeared on their door, showing how a community can work together to help its members. Additionally, Skip’s announcement that they’re adding an “Our Community” section to the Rules for Condominium Living serves as a counterpoint to Mo’s justification that it’s harder to be Iranian in America because there is no built-in community. Skip tries to emphasize to his neighbors that they should come together as a community, and while it is not a fully Iranian community, Zomorod’s family’s willingness to merge into it is symbolized by Zomorod’s decision not to intervene when others go to talk to her mom because she knows that her mother is safe in this place.

Finally, the theme of The Danger of Uninformed Judgments also finds resolution in Brock’s decision to eat the fesenjoon, a food that Zomorod thinks looks like mud. Brock embraces it, even after Zomorod thinks he’s about to say something disparaging, and his openness to new foods once again emphasizes the importance of not assuming anything about anyone.