71 pages 2 hours read

Pierce Brown

Golden Son

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2015

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Part 3, Chapter 35 Summary: “Teatime”Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: “Conquer”

Part 3, Chapter 35 Summary: “Teatime”

The supply ship lands, and Darrow and the other fighters, including Ragnar, walk through the hangar unimpeded by the lowColors. They meet Grays, and Darrow orders them to go with Mustang to the engineering bay. An alarm sounds, but they push forward to the brig and Darrow’s friends easily suppress the guards. Sevro forces each prisoner to thank Darrow before letting them out. Darrow talks with the Jackal and notices Roque’s reaction upon realizing their familiarity. They take the newly freed prisoners and meet Mustang among a number of lowColors. Sevro connects to the ship’s announcement system and taunts Pliny, but Ragnar stops him, annoyed.

They drill holes through the floors of the ship to reach Pliny and the others who turned against Augustus. Darrow says he has come for Pliny, and Lorn threatens to kill everyone if anyone gets close to Darrow. Pliny screams for them to kill Darrow, and a man lunges but is killed by his neighbor. Darrow accuses Pliny of betrayal then slaps him twice. He walks away, letting the others at the table kill Pliny. Before leaving, Darrow gives the crew on the ship a message: “Tell all who will hear, the Reaper sails to Mars. And he calls for an Iron Rain” (308).

Part 3, Chapter 36 Summary: “Lord of War”

Darrow gains more followers after his call for an Iron Rain—a war tactic in which fighters are shot from ships docked in the air to battle on the ground. Although he presents a strong façade, Darrow is scared. He notes the apathy among Golds but believes they can change. Darrow delivers a speech to rally the troops, playing into the Golds love of power, and he directs them to spare the lowColors and maintain the infrastructure of Mars. Darrow suggests that the Jackal is not as bad as he thinks, as he was captured helping Mustang escape. The Whites—spiritual leaders of the Society—ceremoniously walk among the Golds before battle and cut their hands. The Golds wipe the blood on their faces and helmets. Darrow lies about wanting to fight Cassius, feeling embarrassed by his actions against the Bellonas at the gala.

The fighters disperse to prepare for battle. The Telemanuses tell Darrow not to trust the Jackal, and he replies that he only trusts friends. Orion is concerned that the Sovereign’s forces have not moved against them. Roque suggests they move their attack, but Darrow refuses, arguing Agea’s collapse will bring down other cities. Darrow and Roque briefly reconnect—Darrow admits his fear and apologizes for all the ways he has failed to do right by Roque, calling Roque his dearest friend. Lorn tells Darrow to be a better person if he survives the war and admits that he shouldn’t have killed Tactus. Darrow doesn’t blame Lorn for killing Tactus and suggests Lorn can teach Lysander peace. Darrow has a brief conversation with Victra then Theodora, who places a clip with a red flower into Darrow’s hair. Sevro tells Darrow he sent a message to the Sons of Ares but does not know if it was received. Darrow questions what Sevro will do if his father, Fitchner, is fighting for Octavia.

Part 3, Chapter 37 Summary: “War”

Darrow entrusts the battle in the sky to Roque, Victra, and Orion. He expresses concern that Ares is not real to Sevro, and Sevro howls—a sign of the Sons of Ares—and numerous people of all Colors, including Gold, howl in return. Darrow sees that the family flags have been replaced with those decorated with slingBlades and wolves. The lowColors have supported him because he gave them the choice. Sevro warns Darrow that the battle will be recorded and tells him to “[a]ct like a god, get followed like a god” (320). Darrow forbids Sevro from killing the ArchGovernor, but Sevro argues Darrow does not need Augustus.

Jupiter, who had been a Proctor when Darrow was at the Institute, says he has been sneaking into Mars and gathering information. He informs Darrow that Bellona is commanding the enemy fleet and says if they kill the Bellonas the fight will be over. When Mustang expresses concern for her father’s safety, Darrow assures her they will use him as leverage rather than kill him.

Part 3, Chapter 38 Summary: “The Iron Rain”

A fearful Darrow and a thousand others are dressed in starShells and placed in spitTubes to be fired at Mars so they can attack the city under its forcefield. Darrow concentrates on his pendant and thinks of Eo. He and his friends talk lightheartedly over the communication network, but Roque stops laughing and turns his focus onto the battle. Darrow and the others are fired from the Pax.

As he flies through space, Darrow sees Victra’s mother switch sides and attack the Bellona fleet. Some die flying through the atmosphere, and Darrow wishes he could have lived a quiet family life with Eo. Approaching the ground, they activate their gravBoots and destroy the ripWings that followed them. They land and regroup to form a plan because they have landed far from their target. Using the low gravity, they leap their way closer to the city, fighting the enemy forces targeting Darrow. Darrow flies higher to better hear Roque on the comms, and Roque tells him Octavia is on Mars. Darrow admits that is why he wants to strike Agea.

Part 3, Chapter 39 Summary: “At the Wall”

Aja had been allowed to escape so they could track her and Octavia. Darrow plans to capture Octavia and destabilize the Society. Mustang comes to Darrow, and they discuss the lack of resistance. Darrow directs everyone to focus on capturing Octavia, and they dash forward toward the walled-off Citadel where the Reds in the Sons of Ares have dug a secret passage through the river under the wall. Darrow and his crew go through the access tunnel, but when they come out of the water on the other side, a Brown deploys an EMP globe and Obsidians rush to attack.

Part 3, Chapters 35-39 Analysis

During the preparations for battle, Darrow uses the distinctions he makes between Golds who are loyal to the Society and the lowColors to rationalize his fight against A Society Built on Oppression and Exploitation. Although he views Golds as apathetic, carrying “all of humanity’s strengths, except one. Empathy,” he believes they can change (310). His friends, including Tactus, Sevro, and Mustang, have provided him with proof that it’s possible for Golds to change and develop empathy despite their social conditioning. Through Darrow’s perspective, the novel indicates that strength comes from love and community, rather than political power. The Golds’s hunger for power perpetuates the oppression and exploitation of the lowColors, but the lowColors themselves have the ability to create a more egalitarian future grounded in their values of community, friendship and empathy. As Darrow observes, “Trust is why Red will have a chance. We are a people bound by song and dance and families and kinship” (308).

Darrow’s ruminations on the strengths of his family and community of origin underscore The Isolation of Living a Lie that he feels in his adopted identity and environment. Although Darrow has friends who know the truth, his thoughts on the differences between Golds and lowColors are internalized, and his isolation is intensified by his leadership role. As the face of the war against Octavia, he is inherently isolated from his followers. Unlike the other Golds, Darrow does not glorify war; rather, he views the war as an unavoidable evil on the path to freedom for all the inhabitants of the Society. He longs for the quiet life recommended by Lorn, but refuses to quit moving forward to secure Eo’s vision of a free world.

During Darrow’s preparation for the battle, the author makes heavy use of symbolism, the literary device in which certain elements are used to represent larger concepts, things, or individuals. The blood that the Golds smear on their faces and helmets is a symbol of their bravery and their willingness to fight. They place a high value on familial bloodlines, and the blood serves as a symbol of their desire to uphold their family honor. Darrow himself carries two symbols into battle—his Pegasus pendant and the flower clip given to him by Theodora. The red flower clip symbolizes Darrow’s true identity as a Red, and the Pegasus clip symbolizes Eo’s hope for a better future. Both talismans serve to motivate Darrow and help him remember his true mission. The heightened use of symbolism in the preparatory chapters serves to demonstrate the importance of hope when facing the mortal perils of war. Each symbol helps the characters face the dangers in front of them by reminding them what they are fighting for.

In the final portion of the rising action leading up to the climax, Darrow’s willingness to enter the battle in spite of his fears and insecurities underscores the importance of his cause: bringing down A Society Built on Oppression and Exploitation. As Darrow prepares for battle, he is terrified—scared of losing his friends, of being discovered, and of failing the Sons of Ares. He also struggles with feelings of pride and a desire for personal glory, which he suppresses. By fighting against feelings of grandeur, Darrow prioritizes the revolutionary change he’s attempting to bring to his world. As they carry out their invasion on the surface of Mars, Darrow and the others note the lack of resistance to their advance, but they continue ahead feeling confident in their plan. The author reveals the plan to the reader through Darrow’s communication with Sevro, laying out instructions for a secret passage under the wall. By making the details of the plan clear, the author sets up the surprise betrayal when Darrow’s forces find Browns and Obsidians lying in wait on the other side of the wall, and creates dramatic tension by suggesting that Darrow has been betrayed by someone close to him. The story reaches the height of its tension in Darrow’s final line of Part 3: “And that’s when we begin to die” (344), foreshadowing a climactic turning point as Darrow’s army, which has been relatively successful in the battle thus far, receives a devastating blow.