71 pages 2 hours read

Pierce Brown

Golden Son

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2015

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Part 1, Chapters 1-4Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1: “Bow”

Part 1, Chapter 1 Summary: “Warlords”

As his final task at the Academy, Darrow is assigned a war fleet and must overpower his opponent, Karnus au Bellona. It’s been almost a year since he has spoken to Mustang, his one-time ally at the Institute, and two years since he has been contacted by the Sons of Ares, the rebel group who saved Darrow from execution and surgically carved him from a Red into a Gold. Reds are the lowest social order in the Society while Golds are the highest. Darrow’s friends, Roque, Tactus, and Victra assist him with the training mission. During his time at the Institute, a lower-level war training program, Darrow formed a close bond with Cassius au Bellona, which was destroyed when Darrow was forced to kill Cassius’s younger brother, Julian. Darrow’s ship is manned by Blues (pilots), Greys (soldiers), and Obsidians (large, powerful fighters).

Roque argues that Karnus is drawing them into a trap, but the others don’t feel Karnus is a threat since Darrow has seven ships to Karnus’s one. Darrow orders his friends to assume their positions and chants “Hic sunt leones” meaning “Here be lions” (7), the motto of Nero au Augustus, their master and the ArchGovernor of Mars.

Part 1, Chapter 2 Summary: “The Breach”

Darrow flies into Karnus’s trap, and a few of his smaller ships are taken out by Karnus’s dummy missiles before Darrow returns fire, quickly eliminating Karnus’s ship. The crew celebrates Darrow’s victory before a Blue notices a blip on the display. Karnus has a hidden ship that he flies directly at Darrow’s “man-of-war.” Darrow grabs onto his advisor, Theodora, bracing against the ship’s impact. Tactus, Roque, and Victra take the command escape pod, so Darrow carries Theodora to the pod in his quarters. The ship is filled with panicked lowColors (Browns, Pinks, Reds and Obsidians—the lowest Colors in the Society’s caste system), and six Grays clear a path, shooting anyone who interferes.

Darrow offers two of the four seats to the Grays—one of whom, Marcel, is upset that Theodora, a Pink, is allowed a seat. A higher-ranking Gray shoots Marcel, and the two highest ranked Grays take the available seats. They escape in the pod, flying through the bodies of the lowColors who have been sucked out of the ship. Darrow prepares to shoot himself out of the pod onto Karnus’s ship, but the Proctors—the heads of the Academy houses—shut him down.

Part 1, Chapter 3 Summary: “Blood and Piss”

Back at the Academy, Darrow learns 833 members of his fleet died. Guilty about the casualties, he cannot sleep, fearing he will dream about his deceased wife, Eo. Roque tries to cheer up Darrow by saying he came in second, but Darrow does not care about the loss of the game, only the loss of lives. Roque counters that the lowColors died for a cause, but Darrow disagrees.

Still injured, Darrow goes to an empty garden to sit in a hot spring and reflect on past events. Getting out of the water, he finds his clothes and razor weapon missing. Seven members of the Bellona family surround him, and Karnus addresses him by his callsign, Reaper. Darrow warns that they cannot kill him without repercussions, but they don’t plan to kill him. They beat Darrow badly before realizing Darrow has summoned help. Karnus urinates on Darrow and threatens him.

Part 1, Chapter 4 Summary: “Fallen”

Two months later, Darrow is summoned to Augustus’s office with Pliny, a Politico, and Leto, a lancer. They attribute recent propaganda and uncharacteristic bombings to the Sons of Ares. They discuss Ares, whose identity is unknown, and Pliny degrades Darrow’s intelligence. Augustus plans to hire suicide bombers to create “social divide” between Red men and women and subsequently between Reds and the other Colors and the Sons of Ares to put down the rebellion. Leto is against the plan, feeling it is hypocritical and may make circumstances worse. Augustus isn’t worried about the Sons of Ares; rather, he worries the Bellona will leverage the Sons’s actions to take Augustus’s governorship.

Augustus decides to sell Darrow’s contract because Darrow has become a liability. The contract ends in three days, and Augustus orders Darrow to attend the upcoming Summit on Luna. Pliny argues that Darrow has cost Augustus money and opportunities and that they want to demonstrate peace with the Bellona family. Darrow recites his past services to the ArchGovernor, but Augustus refuses to change his mind.

Part 1, Chapters 1-4 Analysis

Since Golden Son is the second novel in a complex dystopian science fiction series, the early chapters center on worldbuilding, character introductions, and establishing context. The development of these features is crucial for readers who have not read the first book in the series and helpful for those who have read it, as the details provide a reminder of the conflicts set up by Red Rising. The story takes place in a futuristic world where humans have colonized the solar system. Due to prior social and political issues, humans have been separated into genetically modified color-coded variants. The author introduces multiple Colors providing brief descriptions of or allusions to their roles in society. The stratification is intended to promote peace and order among humans. At this stage in the plot, the relationship between the Colors is depicted as peaceful except for the Sons of Ares. Several allusions to the events of the first novel, Red Rising, are incorporated into the narrative, many of which are necessary for the reader to comprehend the context of Golden Son. Many of the allusions appear through the inner thoughts of Darrow, the protagonist and narrator, which is intended to create a smoother exposition of the backstory. The delivery of the backstory is divided between multiple sections and chapters, which enhances the reading experience by not overwhelming or boring the reader with the information in one lump and by creating mysterious tension by spacing out the details.

A number of important characters are introduced in these opening chapters, which helps establish context both for the novel and its place within the series. Darrow is joined by three fellow Gold friends and students, Victra au Julii, Tactus au Rath, and Roque au Fabii. The naming conventions of the Golds resemble Western naming structures, with the first name unique to the individual and the last representing the family surname—while the articles joining the first name and surname (i.e., au, ag, cu, etc.) differ according to Color—a specificity that contributes to the author’s world-building. Darrow’s Gold friends, like Darrow himself, are Lancers for Augustus. After Darrow’s loss at the Academy, Roque criticizes Darrow for his emotional distance from his friends: “Of course I don’t understand. You never let anyone in. Not me. Not Sevro. Look how you treated Mustang. You drive friends away as though they were enemies” (19). Roque’s outburst serves multiple purposes. First, it introduces two more important characters close to Darrow—Sevro and Mustang. Roque’s suggestion that Darrow does not return the loyalty that is shown to him by his friends introduces the theme of Friendship, Loyalty, and Betrayal and foreshadows the stakes of Darrow’s character arc: moving from the guardedness and Isolation of Living a Lie to a place of connection and openness. The inherent tension in the novel’s premise—that Darrow, a Red, has been sent by the Sons of Ares to infiltrate the Golds, also has friends among the oppressive Golds—provides the foundation for much of the conflict throughout the novel. Darrow feels isolated among the Golds, most of whom openly support the Society while he has been sent to destroy it. Roque’s comment that Darrow treats them like enemies is an instance of dramatic irony because despite their friendship, Darrow knows that he and Roque are political enemies even if Roque is not yet aware. This section also introduces additional characters important to the plot including Pliny, a manipulative political advisor, and Augustus, the ArchGovernor characterized as power-hungry and ruthless.

After introducing the setting and characters, the author establishes the inciting incident for Golden Son—Darrow’s loss to Karnus in the final Academy battle—which sets the trajectory of both Darrow’s character arc and the narrative itself in motion. Darrow’s loss to Karnus prompts Augustus’s announcement that he will sell Darrow’s contract, which leaves him exposed to danger and puts his mission in jeopardy since Darrow was assigned by Ares to stay close to Augustus, who ordered Eo’s death. Darrow will be vulnerable to another attack by the Bellona family since he has lost the protection of the ArchGovernor of Mars. Augustus’s decision reveals his merciless nature in his refusal to protect Darrow, reasoning that Darrow embarrassed him and hopes that, by getting rid of Darrow, he can preserve a façade of peace between the Augustus and Bellona families.

The author references the events of Red Rising to contextualize the stakes of Golden Son. While Darrow won the war competition at the Institute, he created a feud with the Bellona family by killing Julian as his first task in the competition. Since Darrow’s supposed family is relatively unknown among the prominent Golds, many are skeptical of him despite the fact that he looks the part, creating a natural divide between them. The loss to Karnus deepens Darrow’s isolation and leaves him regretting the deaths of the lowColors on his ship and feeling that he is failing in his mission from the Sons of Ares with whom he’s had no recent communication. The author creates this initial downturn into isolation, fear and a sense of failure, giving Darrow’s character a starting point for his arc toward connection, community, and ultimately, revolution.