84 pages 2 hours read

Katherine Applegate


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Essay Topics


At the beginning of the book, Jackson asserts, “Stories are lies, when you get right down to it. And I don’t like being lied to” (9). Explore why he does not like being lied to, using at least three examples from the text as supporting evidence. 


The first time Crenshaw appears to Jackson, his family is living in their minivan. The second time, Jackson’s family is living in an apartment but facing financial problems. Compare and contrast how Jackson responds to Crenshaw the first and second time Crenshaw appears. Why does he try so hard to send Crenshaw away the second time?


Examine Jackson’s relationship with his parents throughout the book. In what ways does their relationship evolve, and what enables it to evolve?