62 pages 2 hours read

Don McGregor, Rich Buckler, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Billy Graham (comics)

Black Panther: The Young Prince

Fiction | Novel | Published in 2018

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Character Analysis

T’Challa (The Black Panther)

T’Challa, the leader of the fictional African nation of Wakanda, is the protagonist and hero of this collection of comics. As the chieftain of his nation, T’Challa also holds the title of the Black Panther, the protector of the Wakandans. As the Black Panther, T’Challa must protect his people and land from villainous forces both outside and inside his borders. His position at the top of the society grants him the privilege of superpowered status, as the Black Panther undergoes traditional ceremonies involving the heart-shaped herb that gives him his panther-like abilities. Despite his duties and great abilities, though, T’Challa suffers from extreme self-doubt for much of the collection during the civil war with Killmonger: “Self-doubt. When did such indecision become a decisive feature in his life? When he became a ruler and had to make decisions?” (219). It is throughout this entire story arc that T’Challa questions both his abilities and actions as a leader, believing he fails his people. The rise of Killmonger and the apparent distrust most of Wakanda seems to have for T’Challa’s new technologically advanced society makes him doubt that he can defeat Killmonger and unite his nation. He wonders if his own objectives as a leader, though best for him in shaping the country he wants to see, are not what is best for his people.