53 pages 1 hour read

Jessica Goudeau

After the Last Border:Two Families and the Story of Refuge in America

Nonfiction | Biography | Adult | Published in 2020

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Trauma and Resilience in the Refugee Experience

In After the Last Border, Goudeau recounts in detail the countless traumatic experiences of both Hasna and Mu Naw. Goudeau refers to the collective effect as “complex trauma” (See: Index of Terms), as the experience of repeated traumas has a more profound effect than any one event. Over a period of years, Hasna and Mu Naw lived in a state of constant stress. Nevertheless, Hasna and Mu Naw exhibited courage and resilience throughout their ordeals.

As a child, Mu Naw was forced to run for her life from soldiers on more than one occasion. Her people, the Karen, were not wanted in Myanmar or Thailand. Mu Naw additionally lived in a home with tension. Her parents fought and her mother, while performing her traditional duties, spoke back to her husband. When her mother left, a traumatic event in and of itself, Mu Naw was later sent to live with a cruel cousin for three years, during which time she endured more trauma. Once back in the large refugee camp with her mother, Mu Naw dealt with the stress of living in crowded conditions.

Landing in Austin as a refugee, Mu Naw had to navigate a whole new world. Discovering that she was pregnant, she and Saw Ku struggled to make ends meet. However, Mu Naw took action and solved problems. When the family was left with little food their first weekend in Austin, she went in search of a store. With Saw Ku’s encouragement, she resolved the issue with her landlord who wrongly claimed that she owed money. She found strength in a women’s group and her religious community. Despite giving birth to her son, she at first found part-time work and, later, landed a good job with a fair-trade company. She reconciled with Saw Ku after a rocky period in their marriage. Ultimately, she and Saw Ku purchased a home and became American citizens.

In Syria, Hasna experienced one trauma after another. When her city was attacked by government forces for the first time, she spent the night caring for the wounded. Her husband, Jebreel, and son, Yusef, were rounded up and taken away. While Jebreel returned quickly, Yusef and others from the town were missing for weeks. She learned that her other son, Khassem, was arrested in Damascus. In Syria, Hasna exhibited resilience in defending her family and in her befriending of a soldier. The soldier gave her information about her sons and protected Laila when someone identified her as a protester.

When forced to leave her beloved city, Hasna took refuge in Jordan. There, she endured more trauma: Her home in Daraa was struck by a missile, with Jebreel severely injured. She later lost her son-in-law, Malek. For months, Hasna had no word on Laila’s safety or whereabouts. Despite all this trauma, Hasna ensured that Rana’s education continued in Jordan and then the US. She applied for resettlement to ensure that her extended family would be reunited in safety. Once in the US, she was traumatized by the broken promise of family reunification. However, she persevered, doing what she could for her family and dealing with what she was powerless to change. For both Mu Naw and Hasna, then, their experiences are defined not just by the trauma they endured, but the courage they demonstrated in overcoming their challenges.

The Links Between US Identity and Immigration Policy

At base, public opinion drives immigration policy. Those policies, in turn, have dramatic consequences for individuals and families. Since the 1880s, two groups have dominated the immigration debate: restrictionists and liberalizers. Restrictionists, as the name implies, seek to limit entry to the US and define identity in an exclusive way. Liberalizers, on the other hand, associate American identity with values such as human rights, and seek to expand opportunities for immigrants to enter the country.

Restrictionists achieved a big victory with the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. With large waves of immigration in the early 20th century, mainly from Southern Europe and Russia, restrictionists appealed to public fears about the loss of jobs and culture to substantially limit immigration with laws in 1917 and 1924. The Immigration Act of 1924 “was an attempt to allow in more people from England and Austria than from Greece and Italy. The act almost completely excluded arrivals from Asia, South America, the Middle East—and of course the entire continent of Africa” (98). Defining US identity in an exclusive and ethnic way, the law kept most out and represented a fearful attitude of better safe than sorry. It was in step with public opinion.

World War II exposed the human costs of a restrictionist policy. The US denied refuge to Jewish people fleeing the Nazis. In the aftermath of the war, President Truman argued for a more liberal approach. The American public, via photographs and newsreels, observed the atrocities committed by the Nazis and sympathized with the victims and displaced persons of Europe. In step with an identity that perceived itself as welcoming, the US accepted large numbers of European refugees. While tied to foreign policy, immigration policy nonetheless became more liberal. At the outset of the Cold War, refugees fleeing Communist countries were welcomed.

In 1965, the US overhauled its immigration law to fit its changing sense of identity. Gone were the racist quotas of the 1924 law, replaced by the Immigration and Nationality Act. That law made family reunification, refugee resettlement, and merit-based skills pillars of the new system. When millions were displaced in Southeast Asia in the 1970s, the American public remained sympathetic and open. In 1980, the Refugee Act passed with bipartisan support and established the Refugee Resettlement Program.

With the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, fear of outsiders returned. However, Presidents Bush and Obama kept that fear at bay and the refugee resettlement program ran smoothly. President Bush promised to accept more refugees from camps, enabling Mu Naw to come to the US in 2007. By 2015, American public opinion was turning. Trump, campaigning for the presidency, played to those fears, calling for a ban on Muslim entry to the country and promising to build a wall to keep people from crossing the Mexican border. When he assumed the presidency in 2017, he abandoned the pillar of family reunification and banned entry from seven countries, including Syria. His policy change, supported by a changing sense of American identity, had negative consequences for Hasna, whose family could not be reunited. Thus, throughout After the Last Border, Goudeau argues that the struggle to define American identity is the “single greatest determiner” (xvi) of who—and how many—get accepted for resettlement.

The Challenges of Adjustment for Refugees

Both Hasna and Mu Naw faced a difficult adjustment to life in the US as refugees. Even though Mu Naw came to the US at a time when refugees of her ethnic and religious background were welcomed, the culture shock and financial pressures were overwhelming. Almost all refugees, including Mu Naw and Hasna, are recovering from complex trauma, a reality that makes navigating a completely new environment daunting. For Hasna, who arrived as public opinion was turning against immigrants (especially Muslim ones), the challenges in the US were almost too much to bear. Goudeau compares the experiences of these two refugees to expose the human price of restrictionist policies.

Mu Naw’s first days in the US were stressful, as there was not enough food for her family. She and her husband had to learn English. When Saw Ku found that difficult, he accepted a low-wage job cleaning hotels. Pregnant and with two young daughters, Mu Naw initially could accept only part-time employment. The financial pressure on the couple was so enormous that it contributed to the temporary break-up of their marriage. Since Mu Naw learned English fairly quickly, she got some jobs translating for Karen people and, later, earned a good-paying job with a fair-trade company. Despite these successes, in her early years in the US Mu Naw experienced loneliness and depression. She felt that she belonged nowhere and missed her culture. With the help of her family and religious community, Mu Naw achieved success economically and personally, repairing her marriage and eventually becoming a US citizen.

For Hasna, adjusting to life in the US was even more difficult. Accustomed to the support of her adult children, Hasna found herself the only adult in her family capable of working, as Rana was in school and Jebreel was disabled. Working at low-wage, physically demanding jobs, Hasna’s days were long. The bus trip to and from work could take as many as two hours each way. Despite her long hours, she did not make enough money to support her family and was dependent upon charity to make ends meet. Her family lived in a dreary apartment and there was no promise of advancement.

When the anti-immigrant mood of the country led to policies undermining family reunification and the admittance of Syrians, Hasna was emotionally shattered and traumatized yet again. Her adult children were strewn around the world, with Amal and her family safely in Canada; Khassem and his family in Jordan; and Yusef, Laila, and her two sons in limbo somewhere in Europe. If the family reunification policy had not been abandoned for the first time since the 1960s, her family would be together and her children could help support her and Jebreel. With refugee services closing or shifting focus, Hasna’s fate remains open-ended at the book’s close. She remained resilient and hopeful but faced tough challenges, suggesting that she might not become as fully settled and welcomed as Mu Naw eventually did—an exclusive American identity and restrictionist policies help to explain the differences in their fates.